20170213【崛起晨读 D1】There is so much I have not been, so much I have not seen. I’ll stay here—treasure every day and love the world in my own way.生命中,有那么多我没体验过,有那么多我没看见过。我会在此——珍惜每一天并以自己的方式爱这个世界!
20170214【崛起晨读 D2】Life is in the details: things that seem small and insignificant can actually turn out to be important.生活就在细节当中:看似微不足道的事情,实际上可能很重要。
20170215【崛起晨读 D3】Persistence is the key to success, whether for a single person or an organization. The lack of it would mean failure in reaching a certain goal.无论是对于个人还是对于一个组织,毅力都是获得成功的关键要素。没有毅力,就意味着无法实现既定的目标。
20170216【崛起晨读 D4】Life will give you back everything you have given to it. Your life is not a coincidence. It’s a reflection of you.生命,会响应给你每一件你曾做过的事。生命中没有巧合,它就是你的反射。
20170217【崛起晨读 D5】The more efforts we make to learn, the more we can keep life, nature and the universe in perspective. Learning is the surest way to eternal joy.我们越努力学习,就越能通盘地了解人生、大自然以及宇宙。学习是通往恒久喜悦的最稳妥的道路。
20170218【崛起晨读 D6】A sense of humor helps us look at the world in a true and healthy light and makes our life worth living.幽默感能帮助我们以正确而健康的观点看待这个世界,并使我们的人生活得更有价值。
20170219 【崛起晨读 D7】Every day we have the choice to live fully. Attitude, after all, is everything.每一天,我们都可以选择过得充实。毕竟,态度决定一切。
20170220 【崛起晨读 D8】There is only one thing that people can’t take away from you, and that is your wisdom.这个世界上只有一种东西是别人无法从你身上拿走的,那就是你的智慧。
20170221【崛起晨读 D9】Laugh at your own folly—then you can let go and quickly move on. Learn from mistakes made in the past and learn to deal with change.嘲笑自己的愚蠢——然后放手,迅速前行。从过去所犯的错误中汲取教训,学会应对变化。
20170222【崛起晨读 D10】Notice when little changes began so that you would be better prepared for the big change that might be coming.发现那些开始发生的细微变化,以便你为即将来临的更大的变化做好准备。
20170223【崛起晨读 D11】The biggest inhibitor to change lies within yourself and nothing gets better until you change.阻止你发生改变的最大的制约因素就是你自己。只有自己发生了改变,事情才会开始好转。
20170224【崛起朗读D1】There is so much I have not been, so much I have not seen.生命中,有那么多我没体验过,有那么多我没看见过。
20170225【崛起朗读 D2】Life is in the details. The “little things” in life are often more important than we realize.生活就在细节当中。生活中的“小事”常常比我们所想象的还要重要。
20170226【崛起朗读 D3】If you are persistent, you will almost inevitably succeed. If you are not persistent, you will almost certainly fail.坚持不懈意味着成功,没有毅力就意味着失败。
20170227【崛起朗读 D4】Our life is simply a reflection of our actions. If you want more love in the world, create more love in your heart.我们的生命就是很简单地响应我们所做过的事。如果你要这个世界有更多的爱,那么你就要在你的心中创造更多的爱。
20170228【崛起朗读 D5】To each of us, the process of learning may be full of frustrations and boredom, yet the fruit is often sweet and satisfactory.对我们每个人而言.学习的过程也许充满挫折和厌倦,然而果实经常是甜蜜而令人满足的。
20170301【崛起朗读 D6】Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get.生活就像一盒巧克力,你永远不知道下一颗会拿到什么。
20170302 【崛起朗读 D7】We all carry something with us. Of course, it's nice if we travel with someone who can help lighten the load.我们都在负重前行。当然,能结伴而行会很幸福, 有人帮助分担重负。
20170303【崛起朗读 D8】Life was suddenly full of possibilities, not to mention a few unexpected surprises.生命充满了各种各样的可能,还有一些意想不到的惊喜。
20170304 【崛起朗读 D9】They say at the end of your life, you regret the stuff you didn't do more than the stuff that you did.别人都说,人到了暮年,比起自己干过的事,会更后悔没有干过一些事情。
20170306 【崛起朗读D10】There is nothing more important than friendships that endure, especially in a world that insists on changing.没有比经久不衰的友谊更重要的东西,尤其是在这个不停变化的世界里。
20170307 【崛起朗读D11】True beauty is never about looks. What makes you beautiful is being kind, carefree and happy.真正的美绝不在外表,让你变美的是善良,无虑以及快乐。
20170308【崛起朗读D12】One of the most beautiful things in life is smiling. It shows you are a happy and positive person, something that will attract others to you.世上最美的东西之一就是微笑。那说明你很快乐,是个积极向上的人,也会增加对别人的吸引力。
20170309【崛起朗读D13】Sometimes you have to let things go,so there's room for better things to come into your life.有些事情我们必须放弃,才有精力去迎接更美好的生活。
20170310【崛起朗读D14】No one will ever like you if you don’t start loving yourself first. Give your love to others like you do every day already but don’t forget to leave some for yourself.如果不自爱,别人亦不会爱你。对他人付出的同时,也请记得留一些给自己。
20170311【崛起朗读D15】Failure does not imply you have wasted time and life. It shows you have reasons to start again.失败并不意味着你浪费了时间和生命,而是表明你有理由重新开始。
20170313【崛起朗读D16】Being grateful is a way to sing for our life which comes just from our love and hope. 感恩源于我们对生活的热爱和希望,它是我们歌颂生活的一种方式。
20170314【崛起朗读D17】I love you, not because you are a kind of person, but because I like the feeling with you. 我爱你,不是因为你是一个怎样的人,而是因为我喜欢与你在一起时的感觉。
20170315【崛起朗读18】Don’t try too hard, the best things come when you least expect them to.不要着急,最好的总会在最不经意的时候出现。
20170316【崛起朗读D19】In the ways of life every trauma is a mature, every loss is a gain. 生命里的每一次创伤都是一种成熟,每一次失去都是一种获得。
20170317【崛起朗读D20】To ensure a healthy tomorrow,spending a little time to manage your dietary intake will pay off later in life.为了确保健康的将来,花点时间关注每天的饮食,这对未来的健康是很有助益的。
20170318【崛起朗读D21】Run when you can, walk if you have to, crawl if you must; just never give up.当你能跑的时候你就跑,不得以的话你就走,实在不行就爬吧,但不要放弃。
20170320【崛起朗读D22】Something simple can completely reshape your life. It's just like the butterfly effect and you never know what is at the end. 简单的事情可以完全重塑你的人生。那就像是“蝴蝶效应”,你永远不知道最后的结果是什么。
20170321【崛起朗读D23】Success is so much more than just money or fame. Success is about being able to live a happy and fulfilling life that allows you to be true to who you really are.成功远远不止是金钱和名利。能够活得快乐、能够追求忠于自我的人生,才是真正的成功。
20170322 【崛起朗读D24】The greatest gift you can give someone is your time, your attention, your love, your concern.你能给一个人最好的礼物,就是你的时间,你的关注,你的爱和你的关心。
20170323 【崛起朗读D25】You will meet two kinds of people in life: ones who build you up and ones who tear you down. But in the end, you'll thank them both.一生中你会遇到两种人,一种人让你丰满羽翼,一种人让你分崩离析。然而最终,他们两者都值得你感激。
20170324【崛起朗读D26】Your life does not get better by chance, it gets better by change.你想要更好的生活,不是靠运气就可以,而是需要自己去改变。
20170325【崛起朗读D27】There is no heart hurt by pursuing dream.When you long for something sincerely,the whole world will help you.没有一颗心,会因为追求梦想而受伤。当你真心渴望某样东西时,整个世界都会来帮你。