Beware of nothing, for it is infinite. The trees are here, the mountains are there, earth is beneath us, and our years follow as we go, and I am here as well, how could you wish for a world better than this.(当心空无一物,它便无边无涯。树在,山在,大地在,岁月在,我在,你还想要怎样更好的世界)。 These sentence came from zhangxiaofeng’s prose <我在>。
Last year, I have read a few Zhang Xiaofeng prose. Since then I fell in love with prose without hesitation. always wanted to buy a few prose on the head of a bed. Reading for a while before I got sleep or after I wake up.
Prose is a form of language that exhibits a natural flow of speech and grammatical structure. It is different from novel. When you read a novel, you may image you are the characters in the novel, you will be very eager to know the ending of the story, you will stay up late for several days to finish your reading. Eventually, you finished. you will seldom fell happy or relaxed. You will be lost in the story and could not be back from the story for a long time.
Prose is also different from science book, when you read a science book, Usually you have your special purpose. you will fell disappointed if you cannot find the answer. When you read a program book, such as C++ primer plus, you image you will become a C++ expert after reading this very thick book which almost 1000 papers. You spent several months to read it. Finally you make it, but your C++ coding skill is still just so-so, When you read some economics-type books. Such as Adam Smith's Wealth of Nations, Robert Kiyosaki’s Rich Dad series of book. You want to get the methods to be wealthy. Yes you know, it is not so easy. Recently I just finished my reading for The buffett way (巴菲特之道)。 After I spent several days on it ,just know a little knowledge concept about the prize and the value. The long-term holding, the business management. Yeah, only knowledge no investment skills.. You know I will never be buffett.
But when you are reading a prose. You will become calm, relaxed, happy. There is no ups and downs of story. no heavy work pressure, no materialistic desires. Just you and your book. you will meet high mountain and long river sunrise and sunset in lyric(抒情散文). You will meet short and funny story in narrative prose(叙事散文) you will meet the spark of thought and the inspiration of life in philosophical prose(哲理散文). you can pick it up at any time, also you can put it down at anywhere. you may not be shocked at the pilot. But you will often have unexpected likes spring rain, moisturize your heart quietly. Accompany you in every lonely night.
There is slogan for youlinyouke English study app “learn useless English to be a free soul”. I want to see “reading useless prose to be a free soul”.so when you are preparing your speech scripts, do not know want to say. Even when you want to shoot at yourself. Stop it. My dear friends. Whry not reading a prose, it will calm you down, give you some inspiration. there is always a sentence can be applied to your speech. so reading useless prose, attending toastermaster, giving a speech. The useless thing will become very useful some day