说,“汽车保险杠是吸收和减缓外界冲击力、防护车身前后部的安全装置。”中文名是汽车保险杠,外文名是Automobile bumper结构组成是外板、缓冲材料和横梁。
2、美国高速公路管路局在官方网站的问答网页上写着,bumper是汽车前后部的防护物,由铁、铝或塑料组成,但没有说具体说该防护物是否包括防撞钢梁(疑似英文为reinforcement bar),但是从整体描述上看,强调对汽车零部件的保护和碰撞,这就不可避免地是认为bumper是一个防护系统,无论里面是钢梁还是泡沫,都被认为包含在里面,决不会仅从一个壳的角度去讨论碰撞效果。
Bumper Q&A's
1) What is a bumper?
A bumper is a shield made of steel, aluminum, rubber, or plastic that is mounted on the front and rear of a passenger car. When a low speed collision occurs, the bumper system absorbs the shock to prevent or reduce damage to the car. Some bumpers use energy absorbers or brackets and others are made with a foam cushioning material.
2) What is the purpose of bumpers?
The car bumper is designed to prevent or reduce physical damage to the front and rear ends of passenger motor vehicles in low-speed collisions. Automobile bumpers are not typically designed to be structural components that would significantly contribute to vehicle crashworthiness or occupant protection during front or rear collisions. It is not a safety feature intended to prevent or mitigate injury severity to occupants in the passenger cars. Bumpers are designed to protect the hood, trunk, grille, fuel, exhaust and cooling system as well as safety related equipment such as parking lights, headlamps and taillights in low speed collisions
Bumper不是用于保护乘客的安全设备,而是保护hood, trunk, grille, fuel, exhaust and cooling system等部件的。
Wikipedia里说,bumper是:Current design practice is for the bumper structure on modern automobiles to consist of a plastic cover over a reinforcement bar made of steel, aluminum, fiberglass composite, or plastic.
英文维基百科有明确的定义,bumper在现在的设计实践中,由下列部件组成,塑料外壳(plastic cover或者bumper face bar)、防撞梁(可能由钢铁、铝玻璃纤维、塑料组成的bumper reinforcement bar 或者reinforcement bar或者impact bar)。这个定义,里面写了是引用美国公路安全保险协会的定义。
而根据上文所述,由于所谓的防撞梁是包括在bumper或者说bumpers 这个缓冲system里面的,而bumper的目的是什么?按照美国联邦法规汇编第49个主题:交通(CFR—transportation)第581的规定,目的是降低低速碰撞时对乘用车前后部的物理损害。
综上所述,bumper一词明显不是袁豪所说的仅仅是一个外壳而已,bumper是一个汽车的前后部防护系统,包括bumper face(外壳)和bumper reinforcement bar 或者reinforcement bar或者impact bar(防撞梁,可能由钢材、塑料等制成)。而且,bumper不是用来保护乘客安全的,而是用来保护hood, trunk, grille, fuel, exhaust and cooling system等汽车部件,减少低速碰撞时对汽车部件的损害。Over。