So why isthe euro not stronger with all this enthusiastic buying of BMWs and other euroarea goods?
In 2016 theUS basically pleaded with the rest of the world to lend it money. US interestrates are above those of the euro area (euro area interest rates are negative).US bond yields are above those of the euro area (many euro area bond yields arenegative). US equities have outperformed those of the euro area (by about 15per cent, and euro area is negative this year). The US basically did everythingthat it could to persuade investors to buy dollars — and at the end of all ofthat effort the euro still trades within 4 per cent of where it traded againstthe dollar at the start of the year.
Thechallenge for the US is that it needs foreigners to buy dollars every day tostop the dollar from falling. In the first nine months of 2016, foreigners hadto purchase $2.7bn every day. That is more than the daily GDP of theNetherlands. Any day that foreigners were not inclined to buy $2.7bn, thedollar would weaken. This is important — if foreigners decide that they want to“wait and see” what Donald Trump’s policies are like before committing tobuying more dollars, then the dollar will fall. “Wait and see” is not goodenough for the US.