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  • D17

    Day 17翻译段落 【翻译划线部分】 … Higher pleasures Mill’s response to the second obj...

  • Day17&18

    A typical 3D printer is very much like an inkjet printer operated from a...

  • Day15-Anatomy

    The Oak Tree is the king of the Western trees: it has the majestic look ...

  • D14作业-A16236-Sharon

    Day 15原文文本 【翻译划线部分】 Jeremy Bentham’s Utilitarianism Jeremy Bentham(1748–...

  • Day14-review

    give something a lick/a coat of paint= paint walls hang/put up wallpaper...

  • 甘比英文拓展写作- 厨房装修-Sharon

    Many people in the UK like renovating or "doing up" their houses to keep...

  • 甘比英文拓展写作- 甘比猫音乐剧片段-Sharon

    In what looks like an deserted storage place or car-disposal shop, the b...

  • Day10作业-A16236-Sharon

    生病了,没法写,滥竽充数下,回头改回来。 Day 10翻译段落 The best book to readif you want to unde...