Day 17翻译段落 【翻译划线部分】 … Higher pleasures Mill’s response to the second objection to utili...
Day 17翻译段落 【翻译划线部分】 … Higher pleasures Mill’s response to the second objection to utili...
A typical 3D printer is very much like an inkjet printer operated from a computer. It b...
The Oak Tree is the king of the Western trees: it has the majestic look with its large ...
Day 15原文文本 【翻译划线部分】 Jeremy Bentham’s Utilitarianism Jeremy Bentham(1748–1832) left no d...
give something a lick/a coat of paint= paint walls hang/put up wallpaper= to attach new...
Many people in the UK like renovating or "doing up" their houses to keep up with fashio...
In what looks like an deserted storage place or car-disposal shop, the black-and-white-...
生病了,没法写,滥竽充数下,回头改回来。 Day 10翻译段落 The best book to readif you want to understand corporat...
生病了,没法写,滥竽充数下,回头改回来。 We met up with a group of friends at theparking lot, and by then I...
Business: Schumpeter: Leaving for the city Lots of prominent American companies are mov...
Accelerating from 0 to 96 km/h (60 mph) in three seconds, the cheetah is the world’s fa...
1.well-defined 2.nestle 3.sheen 4.strikes a note of 5.bare-bone 6.camouflage 7.verdant ...
Mr. Knightley is in the prime of life,not too green nor too old, as pronounced by his f...
The barn-converted house, standing alone on boulder-dappled grass, nestles among firs a...