促进农业发展,消除饥 饿和贫困,依然是世界面临的 重大挑战'国际社会应当携起 手来,加强农业合作,更多关 注发展中国家、尤其是M不发 一达国家的诉求-应减少贸易 保护,加强对最不发达国家农 业技术、资金等支持,提高全 球农业牛「'水平 和粮食安全 保障水平。
To promote agricultural development and eradicate hunger and poverty remain a major challenge of the world. The international community should join hands to enhance agricultural cooperation and pay greater attention to the calls of developing countries, especially the least developed countries (LDCs). Efforts should be made to curb trade protectionism and increase technical and financial assistance to the agricultural sector of the LDCs so as to raise the global agricultural productivity and increase food security.
国家,建立了农业技术示范中 心、农业技术实验站和推广 站,先后派遣农业专家和技术 人员3万余人次,同时帮助这 些国家培养了一大批农业技术 人员。
China’s agricultural cooperation with other countries, in particular developing countries, has been on the fast track. In recent years, the country has set up agricultural technology demonstration centers, experimental stations and promotion stations in nearly 100 countries in Asia, Africa, Latin America, and the Pacific. It has sent over 30,000 agricultural experts and technicians to these countries and helped them train a large number of technicians of their own.
中国愿意与各国分享农 业技术、经验和农业发展模式 中国的杂交水稻良种已经使很 多国家受益中国政府将向底 合国粮农组织捐赠5000万 美元用于开展农业南南合作', 并加大对世界粮食计划署和国 际农发基金的支持。
China is willing to share with other countries agricultural technologies, experience and development models. Its improved hybrid rice strains have already benefited many countries. The Chinese Government will donate $50 million to the UN Food and Agriculture Organization for carrying out South-South cooperation on agriculture and will increase support to the World Food Program and the International Fund for Agricultural Development.
作为一个政府间组织. 粮农组织 拥有194个成员国, 2个准成员和1个成员组织, 即欧洲联盟 其员工来自不同 的文化背景,并且是粮农组织 各项活动领域的专家 粮农组 织工作人员的能力使它能够 支持改善治理,制定、开发和 调整现有工具和准则,并提供 具有针对性的'治理支持匚粮 农组织总部设在意大利罗马, 办事处遍及130多个国家。
An intergovernmental organization, the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) has 194 member nations, two associate members and one member organization, the European Union. Its employees come from various cultural backgrounds and are experts in the multiple fields of activity the FAO engages in. The FAO’s capacity allows it to support improved governance, generate, develop and adapt existing tools and guidelines and provide targeted governance support. Headquartered in Rome, Italy, the FAO is present in over 130 countries.
粮农组织最近关注治理 问题是基于以下认识:影响粮 食安全和营养、生计、自然资 源管理和可持续利用等与发展有关的各项关键进程正面临 日益复杂的治理挑战。更广泛、 更灵活以及更有能力的治理机 构和机制,对于提高各利益相 关肴'之间的有效协调是不可 或缺的,同时使问题有效解决, 促进实现多重、有时互相冲突 的目标。
The FAO’s new focus on governance is driven by the recognition that critical development-related processes affecting food security and nutrition, livelihoods, and the management and sustainable use of natural resources confront increasingly complex governance challenges. Broader, more flexible, and more capable governance institutions and mechanisms are indispensable for effective coordination among diverse stakeholders, and for problem-solving while working toward the achievement of multiple, and sometimes conflicting, objectives.