but in these presentations, he writes something that you shall consider with a great attention, I know what does he write, he's not only talking about the world that god created, or the way god created, the world now is talking about the world as we seed that is very important.
of course,he has to make a distinction between his fable and the revelation, but the revelation, It's carrying an important point, the revelation gives a god to some extent to the whole explanation, it is not only about the world god created, this world that god created is the world, as we see it.
and that is precisely what the fable has to reach as to achieve, so when the Descartes mentions regulations the revelation, of course he severe rates, these physics from religion, but he's also making an illusion to his goal explaining phenomenon, the world as we see it means the phenomenon.
so of course we will admit this shape of this Copernicus for able to explode values hypothesis, but the most important is that these narrative has to reach the phenomenon, as we see it or as are described in the revelation, so mentioning the revelation a disrespect is very important.
it means that the bold of physics is to reach those phenomenon and I will tell you something else, I told you the first part of the principles of philosophy about the earth, Descartes should have return written to other parts the fifth, would have been about the animals and the six about man.
of course the body of man,so in the principles of philosophy, he considers that it is not necessary and that others can do it using his method and his principles, but he considers that however he has to explode the very end of this project, so at the end of the fourth part, here Descartes is giving what should have been the end of the sixth part concerning man.
what is it, this is an explanation of our senses of perception, so this remarkable fable has to come to go from mother to stars, from stars to light, from light to values planets like the earth.
I will tell you something else that the others after then consider everything that appears on this planet on our earth plants animals, the man himself and at least physics has to explain still way phenomenon appear to us, that is a reason why Descartes at the very end of his book, give the earth a theory of senses, a series of perception, all this fable again the double is about the production of the values of phenomenon, not that appear in the world and about the way the man is able to be the spectator.
it is able to perceive these phenomenon, do I have to insist on this fact that we here have another connection between phenomenology and fiction, that will be old for today, but now I think, perhaps it would be useful to live to listen to your questions, you should have some if you don't have questions.
now you may write me I told you to ask me next time.
the first part of the bible so generous about the creation of the world by god, you know separation of light and shadows, creation of the separation of water and the sky, creation of the earth etc, don't so the revelation on the current theory that goes explain how the world is created, but taken serious much better for us to understand the processor, so they're the revelation is also returning narrative yes that's it perfectly right, but this is the way you see.
It's one of the most remarkable text about the birth of modern science, not only in some kind of opposition to religion, but to some extent by using analogous ways, what pick up a perfect that's easy, I think Descartes is fully aware observe deep efficiency of a narrative on demand.
he knows that if we believe in the revolution, It's not only because there is a church and so on It's because it is an excellent narrative, so I think this is not the most important, but it if he insists to tell us well this is a fable, It's also to consider this psychological dimension of the problem.
so revelation gives you a narrative I have another one, so It's it can be nothing interesting to do a difference other reason narrative, so it can be in that interesting?
but there is a strong that's it but there is a strong difference, of course that when we come to the details, It's only about demonstrations you will observe that. Descartes is choosing the composition model cause, the planetary system, and so on, you have you deal with modern science, you perhaps I should tell you that is not the most important for us, but you're scientist, his book is the origin of all the series on earth produced during the eighteenth and nineteenth century.
theory about the production of the planets, this is not only interesting concerning the Descartes, this is a very important event in history of sciences,.
the individual there is an early Cartesian to reach the world, why he don't depend as the religious revolution is only is also just there is no reason what is the despair like that, because of the religion background for the wrong.
and I know it may surprise you but that is what he believes, there is no doubt take up was no I told you they got was no a faced, he was Cartesian not that much interested in religion frankly, but he had nothing to tell you something else, after he had nothing to do with a reject of revelation, but of course this project to explain the world on the reduction eastern mechanist manner, had a great influence on French materialist in the eighteenth century.
of course what they considered is that something better could be done with the same goal, but something that would have another status not the fable, but true scientific hypothesis which must believe maybe surprising, but now the country serious here, he is producing is beginning to produce great changes in the history of ids in modern times, but this happens after Descartes, if there is no the question, I let you think about it.