
Seeker: Sadhguru, how does yoga help me perform better in this environment? 慕道者:萨古鲁,这种情况下,瑜伽能怎样帮我展现更卓越的绩效呢?

Sadhguru: When we say 'yoga', probably for many of you, it means some physical postures, twisting yourself into some impossible postures. That's not what we're referring to as yoga. Yoga means to be in perfect tune. Your body, mind and spirit and the existence are in absolute harmony. When you fine-tune yourself to such a point where everything functions so beautifully within you, naturally the best of your abilities will just flow out of you. When you're happy, your energies always function better. Do you see that when you're happy you have endless energy? Even if you don't eat, if you don't sleep, it doesn't matter; you can go on and on. Have you noticed this? So just knowing a little happiness is liberating you from your normal limitations of energy and capability.

Now yoga is the science of activating your inner energies in such a way that your body, mind and emotions function at their highest peak. If I don't sleep for two days, you won't notice any difference in me. I can still have a full day of activity. When your body and mind function in a completely different state of relaxation and a certain level of blissfulness, you can be released from so many things that most people are suffering from. Right now, you come and sit in your office, and you have a nagging headache. Your headache isn't a major disease, but it takes away your whole capability for that day. Just that throbbing takes away everything. With the practice of yoga, your body and mind will be kept at their highest possible peak.    


There are also other dimensions to it. When you activate your energies, you can function in a different way. As you're sitting here right now, you consider yourself to be a person. You're identified with many things, but what you call as 'me' is just a certain amount of energy. Do you know, modern science is telling you that the whole existence is just energy manifesting itself in different ways? If this is so, then you're also just a little bit of energy functioning in a particular way. As far as science is concerned, this same energy which you call as 'myself' 但一整天,它会使你丧失能力。只是一阵阵发作就会消磨掉你的所有能力。随着瑜伽的练习,你的身心将保持在巅峰状态。 它还有其他的维度。当你激活你的能量时,你可以以不同的方式运作。当你坐在这里的时候,你认为自己是一个人。你对自己身份有很多种认同,但你称做“我”的那个只是一定量 的能量。你知道吗,现代科学告诉你:整个存在只是能量的不同显现方式?如果是这样的 话,那么你也只是一点点能量,正以某种特殊的方式运作的。就科学而言,这种你称之为 “我”的能量可以像岩石一样存在,像泥一样躺在那里,像树一样立在那里,像狗一样吠叫, 或者像你一样坐在这里。万物都是同一个能量,在不同的能力水平上运作。   Similarly, among human beings though we're all made of the same energy, we still don't function at the same level of capability. What you call capability or talent, what you call your ability to do things in the world, your creativity, is just a certain way your energy functions. This energy, in one plant it functions to create rose flowers, in another plant it functions, to create jasmine; but it's all the same energy manifesting itself. If you gain a little bit of mastery over your own energies you will see, things that you never imagined possible, you will do simply and naturally. This is the experience of any number of people who have started doing these practices. It's the inner technology of creating situations the way you want them. With the same mud that we build such huge buildings, initially people were building little huts. They thought that's all they could do with it. With the same earth, haven't we built computers? What you call a computer is dug out of the earth. Do you understand what I am saying? We thought we could only dig mud and make pots or bricks out of it. Now we dig the earth and make computers, cars, and even spacecrafts out of it. It's the same energy; we have just started using it for higher and higher possibilities. Similarly, our inner energies are like that. There is a whole technology as to how to use this energy for higher possibilities.  

同样,在人类中,尽管我们都是由相同的能量组成的,但我们仍然不能在相同的能力水平 上工作。你所说的能力或天赋,你所说的在世界上做事情的能力,你的创造力,只是你的 能量以某种方式发挥作用。这种能量,在一种植物中,它的功能是开出玫瑰花,在另一种 植物中,它的功能是开出茉莉花;但所有这些都是同一个能量,不同的示现。如果你对自 己的能量有一点点的掌控,你会看到一些你从未想象过的可能性,你就可以简单而自然地 做到。这是许多人开始做这些练习后的体验。这是一种内在技术,可以创造你想要的情境。 我们用同样的泥建造了这么大的建筑物,最初人们建造的是小茅屋。他们认为这就是他们 能做的。在同一个地球上,我们不是发明了计算机吗?你所说的计算机是从地球上挖出来   的。你明白我在说什么吗?我们以为我们只能挖泥,用泥做锅或砖。现在我们挖掘地球, Every human being must explore and know this. Otherwise, life becomes very limited and accidental, you get to do only what you're exposed to. Once you start activating your inner energies, your capabilities happen in a different sphere altogether. 用它制造电脑、汽车甚至宇宙飞船。我们用同一个能量来实现越来越高的可能性,才刚刚   开始。同样,我们的内在能量与此类事。关于如何利用这种能量实现更高的可能性,有一 整套技术。     每个人都必须探索并了解这一点。否则,生活将变得非常局限,充满偶发事故,而且你只 能做你所接触到的事。一旦你开始激活你的内在能量,你的能力会在一个完全不同的领域 得以展现。

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