•操作变量(MV)- 控制器可以操作的过程输入。
•测量干扰(DV)- 控制器可测量,但不能操作的过程输入(例如气候变化)。
•不可测扰动(UNM)- 未测量的(如噪音)过程输入。它描述了可能的模型误差来源。
| ------------- |:-------------:| :-----:|
| Model(模型) | 显示工作区中的模型。|
| Type(类型) | 显示工作区中每个模型的类型,如控制器或仿真模型。|
| Status(状态)| 显示每个模型的当前状态。如果模型已经被编译且未被修改,该选项是 “Up to Date(最新的)” ,如果流程模型在编译后被修改,则是“Out of Date(过期的)。|
| Select(选择)| 选择工作的模型。|
| New(新)| 创建一个新的模型。|
| Delete(删除)| 删除高亮的模型。|
| Copy(拷贝)| 复制高亮显示的控制器/仿真模型,并将其作为新仿真模型的模板。|
| Rename(重命名)| 重命名高亮的模型。|
| AIDA Import(AID A输入)| 向高亮模型输入AIDAPro模型。如果没有模型存在,则将创建一个新模型。|
Building a Process Model
SMOCPro uses process models with three different types of inputs:
•Manipulated Variable (MV) – Process input that is manipulated by the controller.
•Measured Disturbance (DV) – Process input that is measured but not manipulated by the controller (such as weather variations).
•Unmeasured Disturbance (UNM) – Process input that is not measured (such as noise). It describes the source of possible model errors.
Please refer to the Tutorials section for more information.
The Model Builder module has been designed to create new process models and/or import models from AIDAPro (process identification software). The module also lets the user view and/or edit existing process models using the flow-sheet-type graphical model builder (GMB).
After your workspace is set up and/or opened, select the method for building the process model. Refer to the Using a Workspace section for detailed information about opening or setting up a workspace.
Setting Up a Model
To edit or modify a process model, click on Model Builder module in the workspace pane on the left hand side of the window.
Models Window Fields and Buttons
| ------------- |:-------------:| :-----:|
|Model |Displays the models in the workspace.
|Type| Displays the type of each model in the workspace, either controller or simulation model.|
|Status |Displays the current state of each model. The options are either “Up to Date” if the model has been compiled and not changed, or “Out of Date” if any modification to the process model has been made since the last compilation.|
|Select| Select the model to work with.|
|New| Create a new model.|
|Delete| Delete the highlighted model.|
|Copy| Copy the highlighted controller/simulation model to use as a template for a new simulation model.|
|Rename| Rename the highlighted model.|
|AIDA Import| Import AIDAPro models into the highlighted model. If no model exists, a new model is first created.|
Creating a New Model
After clicking the New button on the Models window, the following dialog box opens.
1.A default name is displayed for the model but the user can enter a different model name.
2.The new model is created and its name appears in the model list after clicking the OK button.