今天终于搞明白的Matrix在css3 transform中是怎么回事了。
Until then, we only considered 3D vertices as a (x,y,z) triplet. Let’s introduce w. We will now have (x,y,z,w) vectors.
This will be more clear soon, but for now, just remember this :
If w == 1, then the vector (x,y,z,1) is a position in space.
If w == 0, then the vector (x,y,z,0) is a direction.
下面对平面向量 [a b c](c为0或者1,含义同上)
translate(x,y): [1 0 x, 0 1 y, 0 0 1][a b c]=[a+x b+y c]
rotate(deg): [cos(deg) -sin(deg) 0, sin(deg) cos(deg) 0, 0 0 1][a b c]=[acos(deg)-bsin(deg) asin(deg)+bcos(deg) c]
不妨令 a=rcos(w),b=rsin(w), 则上式=[rcos(w+deg) rsin(w+deg) c]
scale(sx,sy): [sx 0 0, 0 sy 0, 0 0 1][a b c]=[sxa syb c]
TransformedVector = TranslationMatrix * RotationMatrix * ScaleMatrix * OriginalVector;
As a matter of fact, the order above is what you will usually need for game characters and other items : Scale it first if needed; then set its direction, then translate it. For instance, given a ship model (rotations have been removed for simplification) :
The wrong way :
- You translate the ship by (10,0,0). Its center is now at 10 units of the origin.
- You scale your ship by 2. Every coordinate is multiplied by 2 relative to the origin, which is far away… So you end up with a big ship, but centered at 2*10 = 20. Which you don’t want.
The right way :
- You scale your ship by 2. You get a big ship, centered on the origin.
- You translate your ship. It’s still the same size, and at the right distance.