咸丰元宝苏局所铸的钱币种类有“当百”、“当二百”、“当三百”、“当五百”、“当千”等五种面值。但是由于咸丰元宝当前钱币流传下来的不多,存世的十分稀少,所以该钱币是十分珍贵. 此咸丰元宝当千钱币,是大钱里面面值最高的品种,(材质为黄铜,色泽呈现金黄色,铭文字体雕刻得精致而又清晰,钱币表面清秀俊朗,刻着“咸丰元宝”四个字,背穿上下“当千”,左右满文雕刻宝“宝源”两字横排。整体品相完好,形制规整,为不可多得的收藏佳品,具有巨大的收藏价值及投资价值。 此类似钱币,2014年在北京保利拍卖公司,秋季拍卖会(7.17—18),杂项专场拍卖会,一枚当千的咸丰元宝,起拍价68万,经过数轮竞价,最终以358万圆满落槌,掀起了藏家收藏钱币的热潮。
The coins made by Yuanbao spring Bureau of Xianfeng County include five kinds of denominations such as "100 hundred", "when two hundred", "when three hundred", "when five hundred", "when". But because of the money handed down Xianfeng gold is not much, the world is very scarce, so the money is very precious. As a thousand coins, it is the highest variety in big money. (the material is brass, the color is yellow, the inscription is engraved with fine and clear, the coin surface Kiyoxiu Toshiro, engraved with the "Xianfeng yuan treasure" four words, the back and lower "when the thousand", about the full inscription treasure "treasure source" cross row. The whole product is intact, and its shape is regular, which is a rare collection of excellent products. It has great collection value and investment value. Similar coins, in 2014 in the Beijing Pauli auction companies, the autumn auction (7.17 - 18), the miscellaneous special auction, a thousand yuan Xianfeng yuan treasure, the start price of 680 thousand, after several rounds of bidding, the final 3 million 580 thousand successful fall, set off the collector collection of coins upsurge.
咸豊元宝苏局が鋳造した貨幣種類は「百」、「200」、「三百」、「五百」、「千」など5種類の額面。しかし、咸豊馬蹄銀の当面貨幣伝わっていない目下、現存しているのはとても少ないので、このお金は非常に貴重な。 この咸豊馬蹄銀の当千のお金は大金で額面最高の品種は、(材質が真鍮、色合いが黄色、銘フォント彫り精緻で明快、貨幣表面清楚俊朗刻んだ「咸豊元宝”の4つの字を着て、背中で「千」、左右満文彫刻宝「宝源」の2字横列。全体の製品の完全で、体裁をキチンと行い、得難い収蔵上物で、は巨大な価値を収集及び投資価値。 これに類似の貨幣、2014年に北京保利競売会社、秋のオークション(7.17—じゅうはち)、雑の特別興行オークションでは、一枚の当千の咸豊馬蹄銀、起拍価68万、数回オークション、最終ED 26おまえだっ落槌万円満を起こし、コレクター収蔵の貨幣のブーム。
(文章源自雅昌网 版权属原作者所有)
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