选择性必修三Unit 9 Lesson 1 To Clone Or Not To Clone Reading 教案
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Who is it ?
What is it doing?
[(第一卷 石破天惊 第十一章 不打不识与牛魔结义 )写道:
(在西游记中,孙悟空只要从自己身上拔出一根毫毛,放在嘴边一吹,就可以变出无数个跟自己一模一样的小猴子。What is the matter ? ) That's cloning.
Do you know about cloning?
Come up with at least three questions about cloning.
Get to know some words and phrases related to cloning.
identical genes
to edit genes
to develop artificially
to break the technical barrier
to make an exact copy of
to produce animal models
Read Para. 1 .
What is the topic sentence of Para. 1?
Cloning is the process of making a exact copy of a plant or animal and developing it either naturally or artificially.
To draw a structure map of the text
Get close to each paragraph.
Read Para.1 、2、 3. Sum up the main idea for each paragraph or find the topic sentence(s) for each paragraph.
(Group Work)