The average adult who takes no active steps toward improving his vocabulary learns at most 25 to 50 new words a year. Yet, by following the simple and easy procedures outlined here, you can add 8 to 14 new words (to say nothing of the scores of derivative forms) to your vocabulary every day you read --- 2000 to 3000 words a year!
Building your vocabulary effectively will involve treating yourself to an all-round liberal education. You will become wholly engaged all completely engrossed in the pursuit not only of new words but also of new ideas --- not only words as symbols of information, knowledge and understanding, but of the information, knowledge, and understanding itself.
今天看到Justin讲paraphrase, 如果你觉得一个句子精辟、巧妙、简洁、清晰、有感染力地表达了一个意思,就可以尝试拿来改写。这段话要是翻译过来就是:如果你全神贯注地追求的不仅仅是词汇并且是新的想法是——不仅仅是信息、知识、理解等作为符号的词,而是信息、知识和理解本身。总觉得不论是中文还是英文说起来都很绕,但好像写的还挺好(因为我写不出来这样的句子,会把自己绕晕)。
While you are learning the new words, you are learning the ideas that those words represent.
When we learn the new words, we should also learn the ideas they deliver, rather than only the symbols of the words.
第十一天的内容开始有点像word power made easy的味道了,通过讲词根,告诉大家扩大词汇量很好的方式是通过词根,了解这个词怎么来的,词根的意思是什么,来更好地记忆。并且通过你读这个词(say the words) 用这个词思考(think with the words) ,使用这个词(use the words) ,和记住它的词根(remember the roots) 这样几个步骤的练习,来更加长久地掌握这个词。