英语名著,天天共读- 阿甘正传
第二章 01
> 原来,开汽车那个家伙是教练,名叫费拉斯。当天我没进教室,也没上课什么的,那个费拉斯教练带我回衣物间,打手之一替我找来一套球衣,有垫肩啊那些玩意,还有一顶很棒的塑料头盔,头盔前面有一块东西可以防止我的脸被压扁。唯一的问题是,他们找不到我能穿的球鞋,所以我只得穿自己的运动鞋,等他们订到球鞋再换。 > 费拉斯教练和两名打手帮我穿上球衣,然后又帮我脱下,再穿上,反复十几二十次,直到我会自己穿脱为止。有一样配件我半天都穿不好,就是护裆——因为我不觉得有什么理由要穿它。唔,他们努力解释给我听,然后一名打手对另一名说我是个“笨蛋”还是什么的。我猜想他以为我不懂他说什么,可是我懂,因为我特别留意这类“屁话”。倒不是因为这话会伤我感情。嘿,别人曾经用更恶劣的字眼骂过我。不过,我还是留意了。
> Turns out the guy in the car was the football coach, name of Fellers. And that day I didn't go to no class or nothin, but Coach Fellers, he took me back to the locker room and one of the goons rounded me up a football suit with all them pads and stuff and a real nice plastic helmet with a thing in front to keep my face from gettin squished in. The only thing was, they couldn't find no shoes to fit me, so's I had to use my sneakers till they could order the shoes. > Coach Fellers and the goons got me dressed up in the football suit, and then they made me undress again, and then do it all over again, ten or twenty times, till I could do it by mysef. One thing I had trouble with for a while was that jockstrap thing-cause I couldn't see no real good reason for wearing it. Well, they tried explainin it to me, and then one of the goons says to the other that I'm a "dummy" or somethin like that, and I guess he thought I wouldn't understand him, but I did, on account of I pay special attention to that kind of shit. Not that it hurt my feelings. Hell, I been called a sight worse than that. But I took notice of it, nonetheless.
> Vocabularies:locker room 衣帽间(美) pad 护具(垫) helmet 头盔 squish in 压扁 sneaker 运动鞋 jockstrap 护裆 on account of 因为