1 认识这个词(基础篇)
英英释义:the most basic and important quality of something
例句:The essence of education is to teach students how to think critically.
2. 体会这个词 (进阶篇)
“essence”只可作名词使用,意思是“最基础和重要的部分”,也就是我们常说的“精髓”“内核”“本质”,我们可以把它和“nature” “soul” “core”等同义词放在一起学习。注意“essence”的拼写:结尾是“ce”,不是“se”。
When it comes to Macao, people will immediately think about Casinos and many entertainment activities, which are essences of Macau.
👉 The essence of Macau is poker chips and entertainment.(“poker chips”指的是赌场游戏桌上用的筹码。
The essence of various cryptocurrencies is blockchain technology.(“cryptocurrency”的意思是加密货币,也就是我们常说的虚拟货币的一种。)
我们常说的“当我们在讨论 X 的时候究竟在讨论什么”,想表达的其实就是 X 的实质。比如,对于“当我们在讨论英语写作的时候究竟在讨论什么”这个问题,如果答案是要思考清楚的话,就可以说:
The essence of writing is clarity of thought.
The essence of writing is clear thinking.
3. 从认识到会用(作业)
Real / true / very essence 真正的本质; 动词搭配:capture, convey, embody, encapsulate, represent 抓住/ 传达/ 体现/ 概括/ 表达精髓
The essence of entrepreneurial firm is to grow faster
(参考翻译:The essence of start-ups is scalability/rapid growth.)
创业公司 — start-ups; scalability—-可规模化
4 造句:
Chinese movie Wolf Warrior 2 captured the essence of patriotism
One of the real essences of traveling is to broaden our horizons
The essence of input is to output.