最后一章更像是散文,全篇弥漫着悲伤无力的伤感……瑟瑟三月,枯草朽木,昔日恋人相见,备受摧残,容颜不在,四目相对,欲哭无泪……彼此说出 I betrayed you 之时,已然心如死灰。
在极端的威胁和摧残面前 sometimes you can’t stand up to ……don’t do it to me ,do it to somebody else ,….at the time when it happens you do mean it ….all you care about is yourself ……也只能自保其身,美好铭心的爱曾有几何能抵御无情的摧残蹂躏。曾经深爱的人在面前,彼此却是沉默相向,无言以对。
Under the spreading chestnut tree , I sold you and you sold me –成了本章最好的注解。
借酒消愁….愁更愁it was gin that sink him into stupor every night ,and gin that revived him every morning 那些美好的童年回忆,纵然是真实发生过,在如今的W看来亦成为错误的记忆 he pushed the picture out of his mind .It was a false memory.
喧闹早已与我无关,灵魂早已死去,面如死灰的躯壳,想像子弹穿过的那一刻…两滴浊泪滑过,W终于不再内心抗争…..the struggle was finished. He had won the victory over himself. He loved Big Brother……