[1] 张维友. 英语词汇学教程. 版本不限
[2] 汪榕培. 英语词汇学. 版本不限
[3] 文旭、杨坤. 新编英语词汇学教程. 中国人民大学出版社,2015.
[4] 知网论文
Question 1: what is a word? Are you satisfied with the definition in your textbook? why? I
Question 2:Is the vocabulary of a language an inventory of unconnected, isolated words? If not, how are words connected and organized into a system? by meaning, or by sound?
Question 3: Is the vocabulary of a language a static or dynamic system?
Question 4: How are words stored in human brain? And how are they retrieved when they are needed ?
Question 6: What is the best way for a learner to build up his or herr vocabulary? why?
Question 7: linguistic studies falls into two categaries: synchronic and diachronic. In lexicology, which fields are synchrotic and which are diachronic? why?
question 8: Every word in a new context is a new word. Do you agree? why?