本周读完Charles Darwin ,整理下字词。
1.The Beagle headed west to England / The Beagle headed for England.
2.Darwin was not most people.他不是一般人
3.P6 he curled up with a book /she curled up next to him蜷缩
4.P17 Charles popped the one in his right hand into his mouth. He spit it outas fast as he could
5.P25 方位 The islands lie north of the equator ,about five hundred miles off the western coast of Africa。
6.Scientist can trace animal life back to its earliest forms.
7.P38 Charles had been gone nearly three years.
8.P 43 Charles longed to go home.
9.Traits are passed from onegeneration to another.
10.The helpful trait gets passed down.
11.Charles dropped hints to them about his ideas.
12.There were no computers back then.
13.P 85 The Origin of Species threw England into an uproar 轩然大波/ it turned their old beliefs upside down/My book has stirred up the mud.
14. He never tired of doing sth.