The rate of recorded heart attacks among women inthe UK could soon start to fall because a new blood test has been developedwhich provides a more accurate diagnosis of the incidence of heart attacks inwomen. Researchers believe that heart attacks in women may previously have beenunder-diagnosed because the 'old' blood test was not sufficiently sensitive.They believe that possibly twice as many women will be found using the new testto have had heart attacks as were found using the old one. With more accuratediagnosis, women can start treatment to reduce the risk of a
further attack.
Which one of the following best expresses the flawin the above argument?
A It assumes that the lower number of subsequentheart attacks will not be balanced by the higher recording of first heartattacks.
B It assumes that the same new blood test can beused equally well for men as for women.
C It assumes that a blood test is the only way ofdiagnosing when a heart attack has taken place.
D It assumes that treatment to prevent subsequentheart attacks is always effective.
E It assumes that women are likely to seek medicalhelp more quickly than men.