在《向大师学英文——边欣赏边思考边应用(1)》中我欣赏了林语堂先生用英文创作的《生活的艺术》一书中有关“阅读的艺术”的第一段。其中谈到阅读可以让人暂时逃离世俗的生活而进入书籍营造的另一个世界。此段中我最欣赏的英文词汇是"immediate",以前只是知道它的意思是:立刻的,立即的;查字典才知道原来它还有"最接近的,直接的,当前的"意思。向林语堂先生学了一个很精准的表达:周遭环境,immediate world.
“But there is more to it than this. The reader is always carried away into a world of thought and reflection. Even if it is a book about physical events, there is a difference between seeing such events in person or living through them, and reading about them in books, for then the events always assume the quality of a spectacle and the reader becomes a detached spectator. The best reading is therefore that which leads us into this contemplative mood, and not that which is merely occupied with the report of events. The tremendous amount of time spent on newspapers I regard as not reading at all, for the average readers of papers are mainly concerned with getting reports about events and happenings without contemplative value.”
.这一段中我最欣赏的词是“contemplative mood”——沉思的状态。
I enjoy getting up early in the morning. The quiet atmosphere and a cup of hot black coffee can help me get into the contemplative mood.
I don't satisfy with only being a detached spectator of life, I want to dive into it.