Hey guys, it's me again.(这是一句废话,除了我还能有谁。)
Today we're going to "explore"(探索)another painting,Odyssey(奥德赛), another story from Greek mythology(希腊神话). This painting actually surprised me when I read the painting tag(作品说明标签). Why? Let's find out the reason.
Alice Kettle (b. 1961)
I believe that many of you have heard about the Greek writer Homer(荷马), the author ofThe Odyssey(《奥德赛》)and The Iliad(《伊利亚特》). No? Then how about the Trojan War(特洛伊之战)? The Trojan Horse(特洛伊木马)?Anyway, you get the idea.
The Odyssey is an ancient Greek epic poem.(《奥德赛》是古希腊长篇史诗。)It's about the Greek hero Odysseus(希腊英雄奥德修斯), king of Ithaca(他是伊萨卡岛的国王), and about his journey home, a 10-year journey(一场长达十年的归乡之旅), after the Trojan War, which lasted 10 years(在长达十年的特洛伊之战后).
How does this story relate to the painting? (奥德修斯的故事和这幅画有什么关系?)
他的妻子,Penelope(佩涅罗珀)20年间一直想办法拒绝各种追求者(权利之争)。后来,她以需要织完参加丈夫葬礼的寿衣(a burial shroud)为由,白天编织,晚上拆线,一直等到奥德修斯回到伊萨卡岛。
The paintingOdyssey is about the poemThe Odyssey. The far left figure is Odysseus.(最左边的人物就是奥德修斯。) There are many other figures from the poem, but not all of them. (画作里还有其它史诗里出现的人物,但并不全是。)Some figures are "symbolic additions"(象征意义的添加).
From this painting, the painter retells the story and "addresses journeys of self-discovery and different senses of exile and homecoming in our lives."(通过这幅作品,画家Kettle重述了奥德修斯的故事,也“意指人生中的自我发现的旅程和离乡与归乡的不同情愫。”)
What amazed me most is that when I stood closer to the painting(最让我惊喜的是,当我走近画作), I found it's a painting of thread on canvas(刺绣棉线作画). That makes sense!(太妙了!)Penelop is a weaver of a burial shroud, and Kettle is a weaver of painting.(佩涅罗珀编织寿衣,而Kettle编织画作。)In the painting and out of the painting, all the things are connected. (画里画外所有一切都被连接在一起。)It seems that there are invisible threads around everyone of us.(好像我们每个人都被隐形的棉线连接在了一起。)
P.S. 之前我更过一篇文章《飘浮》,也是关于weavers。在文章最后,我这样写到:虽然,不论是咒语的编织者、命运的编织者,还是灵魂纽带的编织者,都是常人无法企及的虚幻。但是,或许,你我皆可以成为自己梦境的Weaver。多一分倔强,再多一分一意孤行,终究,我们将编织出片刻幻象。梦会醒,生活仍在继续,但梦境里的那一刻氤氲或许终成治愈。
I think now you can understand why I was so thrilled at the sight of the painting. (现在你们知道为什么当我看到这幅画的时候如此激动了吧。)
That's all for today. I'll "see" you next time.