由于地球大气层的高度富氧化,导致在气温回暖达到某个临界点时,整个地球都被点燃了,高浓度 的氧气助长了火势,一烧就是三十年。燃烧所带来的有毒气体,持续祸害近万年。这场大火也导致石炭纪时期依靠高度氧气含量而发展起来的众多物种灭绝或进化成更为渺小的体型。巨型昆虫惨遭烈火洗地,然而板足鲎却依旧存活了下来。只是进入二叠纪之后的板足鲎再难重振当年的雄风了,由于过早的将附足进行行动和呼吸的绝对隔离,此时的板足鲎再难有潜能可以挖掘,进化方向大体定型。厚重的甲壳导致它们步履蹒跚,在陆地上难以与二叠纪的爬行动物争锋。此时的海洋鱼类再度兴起,浅水则被两栖和爬行动物所占据,因此这支板足鲎就此灭绝了。只是早在寒武纪时期,就有一支板足鲎旁支另辟奇径,在漫长的佛系进化中一路延续到了今天,这便是蜘蛛。(OK,剩下的明天再写)
Beginning about 500 million years ago,there was an explosion of life on Earth that propelled the planet into thePhanerozoic Eon (the Hadean, Archean, and Proterozoic eras were collectivelyknown as the Phanerozoic Eon). According to the different characteristics of thespecies, the Phanerozoic Eon was divided into Paleozoic, Mesozoic and Cenozoic.Under the three geological epochs, scientists have mapped out 12 epochs basedon different phases. Let us understand the evolutionary history of life onEarth by understanding the masters of the Earth in different geological epochs.
Cambrian: Weird shrimp, biologicalexplosion
Between 542 million and 485 million yearsago, known to scientists as the Cambrian, it was the beginning of thePhanerozoic eon. At this time on Earth, there is a supercontinent, Penotia, butmost of the surface area is covered by the ocean, life in it. Within a fewmillion years at the beginning of the Cambrian period, the vast majority ofinvertebrates were born in a concentrated manner. They were of various shapesand varieties, and an amazing number of fossils were unearthed. But in the moreancient bottom layer before the Cambrian, people have not been able to find theDongwu fossil for a long time, so the Cambrian biological explosion is also called"Cambrian explosion" by paleontologists.
The Cambrian explosion of life
All life on the early Earth lived in theoceans. Even animals were almost motionless, and the different species largelykept to themselves. Back then, the occasional filter-feeding creature wouldhave dominated the oceans. But after the Cambrian explosion, the competitionfor survival was fierce. Whether it was because some species suddenly turnedcarnivore, or because resources were strained by the emergence of too many newspecies, animals evolved to survive. Most animals were heavily armored at thistime, and for the first time, crustaceans appeared on Earth in large numbers.
Odd shrimp
To better hunt its prey, an animal calledthe prawns evolved claws that were, for the time, extremely sharp. Armed withthese razor-sharp weapons, the shrimp won the game in the Cambrian era. Andnear the shrimp's mouth, 32 overlapping suckers form, capable of devouring andcrushing prey as they get close. As a result, the abundant shrimp grew in size,reaching a maximum size of two meters, and became a veritable ruler of theEarth during the Cambrian era. Just 488 million years ago, at the end of theCambrian Period, more than 40 percent of all species on Earth suddenly wentextinct. According to scientists, it was probably the onset of an ice age,which caused a lot of life to be unable to withstand the drastic changes intemperature.
Ordovician: angular stone and crustalmovement occurred frequently
The Cambrian extinction marked the end ofan epoch and the beginning of a new epoch. With the end of the ice Age, largeamounts of melting snow flowed into the ocean, making the Ordovician one of themost widespread periods of transgression (also known as sea progression, thegeological phenomenon of sea water encroaching on continents as the sea surfacerises or the land falls) in history. From the end of Cambrian Period to thebeginning of Ordovician period, the earth's geological, climatic and otherenvironmental drastic changes affected the structure of the earth's species.
Angle of stone
As early as the Cambrian period, manyspecies were forced to live cautiously and evolve better defenses because ofthe predatory behavior of the shrimp (most other species were no bigger than aperson's hand). Against this background, corner stones appear. Different fromother species at that time, during the evolution of hornstone, slowly formed anew body shape. They hide their most vulnerable bodies inside their carapaceand their most lethal arms outside, thus forming a form of carrying the shell.In the process of the hornstone from birth to maturity, along with the growthof the body, the diameter of the shell gradually becomes larger. Finally, abody housing is formed in the front part of the shell, and a series of gaschambers are formed in the back half of the shell to the tip. The existence ofgas chambers helps the horn stone to better rise and fall in the water andbalance.
The cornerstone
Different from the shrimp inside therelatively uniform body, horn stone shape varied. Some shells like disks, thebody length is only about 2.5 cm; Some shell straight, the body length canreach 15 cm; There are huge horn stone body size, hunting 1.8 meters longundersea small overlord giant limulus, are very easy. The latter hornstonespecies, named Fang hornstone, has a body size of 9 meters long and is theundisputed hegemon of the Ordovician ocean. Even the former hegemon, the oddshrimp, can only be reduced to food in front of it. During the Ordovicianperiod, eels and primitive fish began to appear, as did corals, trilobites,primitive octopuses and other historically famous animals. At the end of theOrdovician, however, gamma rays, especially from space, destroyed the ozonelayer, causing ultraviolet radiation to destroy most of the plants and animals.In this event, more than 60 percent of life on Earth was wiped out, and theecological chain was reshuffled.
Silurian: plantlet horseshoe crab, plantlanding growth
Into the Silurian era, Marine invertebratesstill occupy an important position. But after the extinction event at the endof the Ordovician period, the horseshoe crabs, long at the bottom of Marinelife, had their own spring. These different species of horseshoe crabs belongto the same family. As the dominant species of the Earth in the Silurianperiod, Limulus platylius had to hide its tiny body from the shrimp during theCambrian period. During the Ordovician period, the horseshoe crab evolvedstiffer armor, and its front legs formed sharp claws. More importantly, theappendages of platyfooted horseshoes have become the first Marine animals tocomplete the separation of locomotion and respiration, which makes them moreflexible in the ocean.