适合做书腰的话:The ability to talk easily with anyone is a learned skill, not a personality trait. Everything would go a thousand times better if I engaged them in small talk.
纲领二:诱导。激发对方的表达欲,让对方当主角。提的问题要有发挥空间(反面教材是How was your weekend,这种与hello同义的句子,是无法激发表达欲的),也不要太逼人。一个话题上对方没啥词,就再换一个,直到一个对方很有话聊、很expert、能feel special的话题。
纲领三:Greet people that you see regularly.
small talk是正经事的前后缀。不管是内部会议,还是双方洽谈。
在small talk这个领域,理发师是个值得观察的职业。
2. How did you come up with this idea?
3. What got you started in this industry/area of practice?
4. What got you interested in marketing/research/teaching?
5. What do you enjoy most about your profession?
9. What do you see as the coming trends in your business?
10. What ways have you found to be most effective for promoting your business?
12. What advice would you give someone just starting in your business?
14. What significant changes have you seen take place in your business since your start?
19. Do you know someone who can help me ______?
20. Describe how the economy/election/summer impacts your work.
3. What’s your favorite thing to do on a rainy day?
4. If you could replay any moment in your life, what would it be?
7. What was it like in the town where you grew up?
What would you like to come back as in your next life?(投胎想做啥)
Of all the places you’ve lived, which one you like the best?
18. Describe a memorable teacher you had.
19. Tell me about a movie/book you’ve seen or read more than once.
Tell me about some of your New Year’s resolutions.
Describe your first away-from-home living quarters or experience.
Tell me something most people would never guess about you.
Tell me about your family.
What was the best part of your weekend?
作者是真狠啊:Walk through the mall and just say hello to ten people as you pass them. As you cut through the parking lot into the grocery store, greet three other shoppers. Keep practicing until it feels natural.
初次见面best practice:hi, my name is xxx, what's your name? nice to meet you, xxx.
Excuse me, I’m not sure I got your name. 相比谈话的内容,形式会更重要一些。注意力应当倾斜给对方的名字、对方有特点的信息等,而不是谈话的内容、自己的回答。I’m so sorry. I’ve forgotten your name. Please remind me.
do not shorten a name to a nickname without permission. 不过对中国人来讲应该没这个问题。
We’ve been working together for months now. I’d like to get to know you better. Tell me about some of your outside interests.
夸任意一个东西(未必是与对方相关,比如夸饭菜;也可以和对方相关,比如到了对方家里夸家里整洁),然后把话题引向对面(比如你怎么评价what do you think of,你最喜欢的相关事物)。
Really? I never knew that. Tell me more about that.
I see.
what happened next?
That must have been tough/xxx.
That reminds me of xxx.
话题选择上,尽量避免聊misfortune、health、gossip、price。如果需要犹豫说不说,建议别说。能正能量还是正能量,比如vacation plan。所有话题可以分为工作、家庭、娱乐。
还提到了中国人容易犯的一个错误,就是说话timid,喜欢说些削弱词,比如“应该”“我感觉”“有点”“尽量”这种。发表意见:From my experience, xxx。说I can, I will,you can,而不要用否定式。纲领上,说话要简洁直接,加个what do you think/what's your opinion补礼貌。
作者调侃了几种毒瘤,一,FBI式的盘问式聊天,每个回合太短。应对之策是反问类似的问题,但努力延长多问几个。二,吹牛。应对之策是聊时事。三,急于把话题揽到自己身上。四,拆台,'Been there, done that.' 这事儿我自己干过,会非常扫兴,导致一个话题早夭。五,过度亢奋说个不停,有时候内向的人会忽然发病,如果戳到点上的话。六,不想说话,典型例子是“没啥”“就那样”。七,懂哥,只教人做事,从不给人情绪价值。
离开谈话时,可以回顾一下双方为什么相遇,称赞一下对方的见解。最好讲清楚离开的真实原因。如果是要去结交下一个人,可以让对方推荐,这样不仅能体面结束,也能体面开始下一个。镜像做法是为对方推荐一个新的谈话对象。最后像开始时一样握手。如果需要,Will I see you at the next meeting?
优先聊场景问题(如How did you hear about this event/What is your connection to the host/hostess),然后才聊personal information。