Honey与Money 教学趣谈(双语小文)

Honey与Money 教学趣谈
Hehe, quite interesting, huh!

On the morning of April 6, I prepared "Yunzhong English-Daily Oral English Practice (Lesson Nine) in such a hurry, and immediately had it recorded and posted in the WeChat Group."

Daily Oral English Practice

Since I got started with this WeChat English Course, the working staff in Yunzhong Hospital (where hosts of foreigners came for medical treatment each passing day) showed a fast growing surge of interest in learning English. Wherever I stayed in the hospital, they would run after me, asking a lot of questions concerning their pronunciation and reading skills for fear that their poor English might dampen their daily communication with foreigners. Sure, I got a big kick from it and that with great delight and a sense of pride.
In the afternoon, I went directly to Consulting Service Department as I usually did to give the pretty girls a detailed talk about Lesson 9 of "Oral English Daily Practice". All of the girls are young and pretty-looking, and also quick of wit and eloquent, knowing a move or two, thus quite smart in dealing with things so the foreigners at the hospital are tickled pink in communicating with the girls. Anyhow, it is a great pity that they just lack the proper English proficiency.
As soon as I walked into the office, the ladies stood up almost in unison and nodd their respect to me with English greetings in chorus. At this, I felt overjoyed and naturally elated. Though it was quite rough to coach them English, I felt it quite worthwhile anyway.
The so-called oral English teaching actually focuses on certain small episodes of our life and work scenes by incorporating the authentic oral phases into the multiple-person conversations, thus requiring learners to fully comprehend the words and sentences in the situational conversations, which also represents a process for repeated practice until learners can blurt them out instead of the rote learning without any emotion.
My oral English lessons are taught in almost all English coupled with the flexible body language, so the same idea can be repeatedly spoken in different expressions. If a learner can pick up a certain word or a certain sentence, he or she may give a smile on the face and has a sense of achievement in the heart: Wow, I got it!
I knew i got too far, so let's get down to business, focusing on our oral English lesson for today!

“Lily,it's your turn now. Would you please read the words out?”

Lily showed me a smiling face and lightly cleared her throat, so it seemed that she wanted to show off. She slowly started to read the words. Indeed, she could read the words aloud and clear and won a burst of cheers and the warm applause from all other girls.
Then, I gave the chance to Lydia who is a timid girl and her face turned red all at once, quite nervous. Sure, it has something to do with her poor English and her lack of confidence.
At this, I tried to cheer her on, saying: "please relax yourself and take it easy, Ok? Just read them slowly."
Lydia finished the four words after a fashion, but actually she was stumped by the first word. I showed her how to read it several tiems and she tried hard with an immense effort, but to no avail. I was quite worried and sweating profusely with my mouth quite dry, feeling totally helpless.
“莉蒂亚,请看着我,好吗?模仿我的样子做,请想想你口袋或小包包里面的”Money“, 试试看能不能读出”honey“?我将这两个词连着一起反复读了好几遍,大家都都笑喷了。

"Lydia, Please look at me, will you? do as i do. Think of ”Money“ in your pocket or your bag. Could you read the word "honey" now?" I read the two words "honey-money" together for several times, and all girls burst into laughter.

There was a soft giggle from Lydia and she looked up at me with big smiles, "Hi, sir, I can read it out now, money-honey!
I gave her a pat on the back, saying, "Great! Just keep doing more practice! "

I continued, "say, you take a fancy to a beautiful skirt, but you can not afford it. How could you do? You must turn to your boyfriend for some money."
"All right, please say the following sentence after me!"
"Honey, I wanna buy a skirt, so honey, would you please do me a favor by giving me some money? Yeah, honey, I love you." ("亲爱的!我想买条裙子,所以嘛,我的亲,你能不能行行好,给我点钱呀?啊,亲爱的,我好好爱你哟!")

This class went on like this and came to a close in the midst of the laughter.

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