public class Widgets<T> {
private final int SIZE = 100;
public void f(Object arg) {
* Compile error:
* Cannot perform instanceof check against type parameter T.
* Use its erasure Object instead since further generic
* type information will be erased at runtime.
if (arg instanceof T) { //Error
* Compile error:
* Cannot instantiate the type T.
* Partly because of erasure, and partly the compiler cannot verify that
* T has a default (no-arg) constructor
T var = new T(); // Error
* Compile error:
* Cannot create a generic array of T.
T[] array1 = new T[SIZE]; // Error
* Compile warning:
* Type safety: Unchecked cast from Object[] to T[].
T[] array2 = (T[]) new Object[SIZE]; //warning.
package com.yxf.hellojava;
class Fruit {
class Apple extends Fruit {
class Jonathan extends Apple {
class Orange extends Fruit {
public class CovariantArrays {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// 创建一个Apple[]数组, 并将它赋给一个Fruit[]数组.
Fruit[] fruit = new Apple[10];
fruit[0] = new Apple();
fruit[1] = new Jonathan();
* 1. 编译器允许将一个Fruit对象放置到Fruit[]数组中,这是行的通的,因为fruit被声明为一个Fruit[]的引用;
* 2. 在运行时抛java.lang.ArrayStoreException异常,因为fruit引用真正指向的是Apple[]的对象.
try {
fruit[2] = new Fruit();
} catch (Exception e) {
try {
fruit[3] = new Orange();
} catch (Exception e) {