Jotting down some notes as I approach my 5 year anniversary at Microsoft
1. 要学会表达,跟同事,跟老板,而后,什么该表达,什么时候表达更关键。
Learn self-expression, more importantly, the HOW and the WHEN, it could be different when context changes, like to coworkers, managers or partners.
2. 锻炼自己在某些时候对某些工作优雅地说不,不是消极工作态度而是主观能动性,不被随意支配打乱自己本身的工作优先级。
Train yourself to say NO gracefully, at the RIGHT time, which is not a pessimistic attitude rather helps manage work actively without arbitrary interruption.
3. 不要玻璃心,“厚脸皮”的接受批评,谁都是这样过来的。
Develop thick skin when receiving feedback, especially critical ones. Please remember everybody experiences this, no exceptions.
4. 好好做工作笔记,项目也罢,流程也罢,说不定什么时候会用到,而且一定会有这么个时候。
Keep good notes, for projects, for procedures. You never know when it will come in handy.
5. 解决每一个工作问题前(除技术难题),问一个为什么,再着手,为什么要去解决这个问题,什么是解决此问题的最终目的。它给你更大的视野,帮助完善解决方案。
Before jump into problem solving (except technical obstacles), ask questions, what the bigger problem is and why we should solve this one. With more context and a complete picture, it can help to improve the solution.
6. 经历风格迥异的老板并不是坏事,尤其是在初入职场。
Experiencing a variety of management styles is a good thing, even in your early years.
7. 别为了工作而工作,蹉跎了岁月,苍老了心。我们都曾是个有梦的少年不是?
Work for life not for work; we all were the youthful dreamers chasing our passions.
8. 提升学习能力,以适应社会的高速运转性。
Work on learning capability, since we live in such a fast-paced society.
9. 找个职场榜样不失为一件好事,最好是身边人,时不时还能交流心得。
Finding a mentor, or a role model, it is good to have someone around you, and chat with regularly.
10. 每次换职位都像是一次职业变革,权衡利弊,确定后,趁早行动。
Each career change is like a revolution, with pros and cons. Once you are resolute, please take actions.
11. 针对惯性和重复性工作,仔细琢磨可能依旧有创新点。
Among routine work, take a second look to see, if there might be potential items to be innovative and automated.
12. 请对周围的同事好一点,他们才是跟你朝夕相处的人,甚至多过家人和朋友。
Treat your colleges nicely; you are spending more time with coworkers than friends and family.
13. 对每一个被邀请的会议都要充分准备,清楚其梗概。
Meeting preparation is essential, be clear about meeting purpose beforehand.
14. 别忽略工作、项目经验的重用性。
Pay attention to the reusability of work/project experience.
15. 拼实力,拼体力,多锻炼。(强烈推荐搏击格斗,减压神器)
Keep your mental and physical competence in sync, go workout(trybodycombat,highlyrecommended)
16. 看淡人员的来来往往。
Get used to peoplemoving, moving to different teams, moving to different companies, or moving to different industries.
17. 不断寻找不舒适感,拒绝太“舒服”。
Look for discomfort when you are in the comfort zone.
18. 注重发展工作外的多维度(自由撰稿,插画弹琴,财经理财,搏击举铁,下厨烘培等)万物聚关联,互帮助。
Be more than your work,(blogging, drawing, playing instrument,wealth managing, kickboxing, body pumping,baking, etc)because the universe is entangledand mutual beneficial.