(1)高考:gaokao / the national college entrance exam
(2)统考科目:compulsory subjects
(3)选考科目:optional subjects
(4) 预选:dry run
(5)在线课程:online courses
(7)及时:in due time
(8)做好了万全的准备:prepared for any circumstance
(9)擤鼻涕:blow one's nose
(10)净手液:hand sanitizer
(11)中流砥柱的角色:pivotal role
(12)为...争取宝贵的时间:win precious time for ...
(13)为...树立了新的标杆:set a new standard for...
(14)母语者:native speaker
(16)人工林:manmade forest
(17)天然林:natural forest
(18)全民植树节:National Tree Planting Day/ Arbor Day
(19)森林覆盖率:forest coverage rate
(20)森林蓄积:stock of forest
(21)重点公益林:key non-commercial forest
(22)荒漠化防治:prevention and control of desertification
(23)退耕还林还草:turn marginal farmland to forests and grasslands
(24)生态补偿机制:mechanism for ecological compensation
(25)耕地流失:loss of arable land
(26)被洗脑的人:brainwashed people
(27)立案侦查:launch an investigation into a case
(28)入境人员:inbound travelers
(29)承担法律责任:bear legal responsibility
(30)健康检查:health examinations
(31)基本医保:basic medical insurance
(32)社会保障体系:social security system
(33)医疗费用报销:reimbursement for medical expenses