还是老生常谈的说一下今天英语学习的想法和打算。听力材料采用梅姨2017年达沃斯演讲的6:42 ~ 7:50的音频,同样在记笔记时尝试进行音标记忆和整理笔记,让它看起来不至于那么凌乱。
特雷莎·梅首相在达沃斯论坛2017年年会上的演讲 | 英文巴士
Part 1 听
For that is the unique opportunity that Britain has.
I speak to you this morning as a Prime Minister of a country that faces the future with confidence. With six months ago, millions of my fellow citizens upset the odds by voting to leave the European United and embrace the world. of that decision. It means Britain must face up to a period of change. It means accepting the world ahead will be uncertain that believing brighter future for oun country's children and grandchildren too. So that's why british people take such a path, they fix their eyes on their brighter future ambiguous call instead. They chose to build a truly global Britain.
For that is the unique opportunity that Britain has.
I speak to you this morning as the Prime Minister of a country that faces the future with confidence.
For a little over 6 months ago, millions of my fellow citizens upset the odds by voting, with determination and quiet resolve, to leave the European Union and embrace the world.
Let us not underestimate the magnitude of that decision. It means Britain must face up to a period of momentous change. It means accepting that the road ahead will be uncertain at times, but believing that it leads towards a brighter future for our country's children, and grandchildren, too. So while it would have been easy for the British people to shy away from taking such a path, they fixed their eyes on that brighter future and chose a bold, ambitious course instead.
They chose to build a truly Global Britain.