请把每天都当做生命中的最后一天,Please treat every day as if it were your last.每天早晨一睁开开眼睛,就深呼一口气,做几个懒腰,用微笑迎接这一天。As soon as I open my eyes every morning, I take a deep breath, stretch a few times and greet the day with a smile.
今天阴天,室内不明亮,我喜欢。It's cloudy today, and the room is not bright. I like it.我可以打开灯,坐在飘窗上,身后倚一个靠枕,把书放在腿上,津津有味地阅读。I can turn on the light, sit on the bay window, lean on an headrest behind me, put the book on my lap and read with relish.
老公没有出去工作,正在厨房里大显身手。My husband didn't go out to work, but he is showing his talents in the kitchen.
当我饥肠辘辘的时候,美食的香味扑面而来。When I was hungry, the smell of delicious food came to my face.
孩子都在外面上学,就剩我们俩。The children are all at school outside, just the two of us.
两人坐在餐桌前,一边品尝着精心烹制的美味,一边拉着家常。Two people sitting at the table, while tasting the delicious food carefully cooked, while pulling home.
微小的幸福犹如无数星星点点散入心中。Tiny happiness is like countless stars scattered into the heart.
所以,阴天又怎么样呢?So, what about cloudy days?
我依然是最好的状态。I'm still at my best.