What is a book? A book is a container contains all kinds of knowledges. I believe we all can read. But how much remains in your mind after reading? Not that much actually. If you think you can read, please tell me what reading is and what to do?
Reading does not mean simply reading one word at a time. You need to understand what these words mean. And above all, you should remember them. Now the point is, what's the better way to remember whatever the book wants to say?
Writing is the final solution. Read is a way to input, write is a way to output. Both of them together make your brain full power working. I'm not talking about copying a book. Use your own words to describe this chapter's main point, make it better then write it down, before everything gone. When you recall the contents of a book, you can just read your notes, not the whole book again. This measure makes your time worthy.
Can you tell me the names of your read books?
I go first: 《曾国藩制人攻心之道》、《三体》、《穷爸爸富爸爸》、《奇迹男孩》、《干掉一切对手-看高盛如何算赢世界》、《货币战争》、《话语操纵术》、《怪异行为学-非理性的消费行为》、《旁观者-管理大师德鲁克回忆录》、《檀香刑-莫言》、《经济学通识》、《改变人类的100本书》