亲爱的 muchacho 谢谢gracias
我的朋友 mi amigo 干杯 Salud
chamaco 臭小子
Ay,de mí Llorona.Llorona de azul celeste.
Ay,de mí Llorona.Llorona de azul celeste.
Y aunque la vida me cueste,Llorona.
No dejaré de quererte.Me subí al pino más alto.
A ver si te dicisaba.Como el pino era tierno,Llorona.
Al verme llorar,lloraba.
Ay,de mí Llorona,Llorona.Llorona de azul celeste.
Ay,de mí Llorona,Llorona.Llorona de azul celeste.
Y aunque la vida me cueste,Llorona.
No dejaré de quererte.Me subí al pino más alto.
But I could not have done it differently .One cannot deny who one is meant to be.
德拉克斯:My friend. You're being forgotten.
埃克托:And whose fault is that?
德拉克斯:Hector, please...
埃克托说的话:Those were my songs you took.My songs that made you famous. If I'm being forgotten, it's because you never told anyone that I wore them!
米格:But I'm your family!
德拉克斯And Hector was my best friend. Success doesn't come for free, Miguel.You have to be willing to do whatever it takes to seize your moment.I know you understand.
I remember that feeling,when my husband would play and I would sing and nothing else mattered. But when we had Coco,
suddenly the was something in my life
that... mattered more than music.
And never forget how much you family loves you.
埃克托:She's forgetting me.
埃克托:My daughther.
米格:She's the reason you wanted to cross the bridge .
埃克托:I just wanted to see her again.
I nevershould have left Santa Cecilia.
I wish I could apologize .I wish I could tell her that her papa was trying to come home .Then he
loved her so much .My coco.
美兰达祖母:How many times must I turn you away ?I want nothing to do with you !
Not in lifenot in death!
I spent the cost protecting myfamily from your mistakes .
He spends five minutes with you and I have to fish him out of a sinkhole!
米格:I wasn't in there because of Hector .He was in there because of me .He was just trying
to get me home!
I didn't want to listen,but he was right.
Nothing's more important than family .
I'm ready to accept your blessing .
And your conditions .
But first,I need to find De La Cruz.
I have to get Hector's photo.
So he can see Coco again .
Hector should be on our ofrenda.
He's part of our family .
曾祖母美兰达:He left this family !
米格:He tried to go home to you and Coco .But the De La Cruz murdered him!
埃克托:It's true, Melda.
美兰达:And so what if it's true?You leave me alone with the child to raise.
To go home.To put up our photos. And to never forget how much your families loved you.
很喜欢这部电影的主题曲《remember me》。我有时候我有时候就总会去思考,真正可怕的事情是什么?又有哪些呢?
——2022年6月9日夜 睡前的思想