笃学奖-Topic 2-B18030-甘比精读

Day4 单词作业

1. shake up

▲ n. [C usually singular] a large change in the way something is organised

    The company is undergoing a radical shake-up.

2. a host of

▲ a large number of something

    There's a whole host of reasons why he didn't get the job.

3. switching process

▲ 转换过程

4. to date

▲ up to now

    No suspect has been found to date.

5. dire

▲ very serious or extreme 

    These people are in dire need of help.

▲ [informal] very bad

    I thought that film was dire!

6. unscathed

▲ not injured, not damaged

    Her husband escaped accident unscathed.

7. financial-technology=fintech

▲ 金融科技

8. mount a challenge

▲ 发起挑战,构成挑战

9. incumbent

▲ adj. [before noun] officially having the named position 

    The incumbent president faces problems which began many years before he took office.

▲ adj. [formal] be incumbent on/ upon sb. to do sth. to be necessary for someone

    She felt it incumbent upon/ on her to raise the subject at their meeting.

▲ n. the person who has or had a particular official position 

     the first/ last/previous incumbent

10. resilient

▲ able to quickly return to a previous good condition

    She's a resilient girl - she won't be unhappy for long.

11. customer-transaction

▲ 客户交易

12. cumbersome

▲ awkward because of being large, heavy or not effective

    cumbersome equipment; cumbersome bureaucracy

13. kick-start

▲ start (a motorcycle) by means of a kick starter

14. explicit

▲ clear and exact

    I gave her very explicit directions how to get here.

    She was very explicit about(= said very clearly and exactly)what she thought was wrong with the plans.

▲ showing or talking about sex or violence in a very detailed way

    a sexually explicit film

15. consent

▲ permission or agreement

    They can't publish your name without your consent.

by common consent: most people agree

    Her latest film, by common consent, is her best yet.

16. integrate

[I orT] to mix with and join society or a group of people, often changing to suit their way of life, habits and customs

    He seems to find it difficult to integrate socially.

[T] to combine two or more things in order to become more effective

    The idea with young children is to integrate learning with play.

17. authentication /ɔːˌθen.tɪˈkeɪ.ʃən/

▲ validating the authenticity of something or someone( =certification)

▲ a mark on an article of trade to indicate its origin and authenticity( =hallmark)

18. rock-bottom interest rates

▲ 最低利率水平

19. consultancy

▲ [C] a company that gives specialist advice on a particular subject 

    a management/ financial/ recruitment consultancy

▲ [U] the activity of giving advice on a particular subject

20. lockhold

字典中没有这样一个词语,文中的意思是指 银行在支付方面有绝对优势或者掌握权

21. retail-banking

▲ Retail banking(小额银行业务), also known as consumer banking, is the provision of services by a bank to individual consumers, rather than to companies, corporations or other banks. Services offered include savings and transactional accounts, mortgages, personal loans, debit cards, and credit cards. The term is generally used to distinguish these banking services from investment banking, commercial banking or wholesale banking. It may also be used to refer to a division or department of a bank dealing with retail customers.

22. dumb pipe

“倾倒管道”,文中的意思是指 具体业务和利润都可能被fintech抢占,银行就好像管道,钱进来钱出去,但服务利润都被fintech抢了,银行赚不到钱。

23. manifest

▲ to show something clearly, through signs or actions

    The workers chose to manifest their dissatisfaction in a series of strikes.

24. robust

▲ (of a person or animal) strong and healthy, or (of an object or system) strong and unlikely to break or fail

    He looks robust and healthy enough.

25. implementation

▲ Implementation refers to the carrying out a plan

26. be watered down

make less strong or intense; to reduce the strength or effectiveness of

    It seemed clear by late autumn that the ban would be significantly watered down or removed altogether before the trade bill became law.

27. bare one's teeth

▲ 露出凶相,呲牙咧嘴

28. entrant

▲ a person who becomes a member of a group or organisation

    new entrants to the school/ company

▲ a person who takes part in a competition or an examination

    All entrants complete two three-hour papers.

29. exploit

▲ to use something for advantage

    We need to make sure that we exploit our resources as fully as possible.

30. transform the landscape


landscape原意是风景,景色,地貌,此处也是暗喻的用法,衍生为局面,局势。所以哦,衍生意思和原意都有一定联系,大家稍加联想,便不难理解哦。这种用法非常非常普遍,建议内化。Recent electoral shocks have shaken the European political landscape.最近的选举风波震动了欧洲政坛。

31. level the landscape



Day5 逻辑导图+神句翻译


1. New European payments regulation has the potential to shake up the banks.



Shake up一般指带来重大改变

eg: Gambition is shaking up the way we study/Technology is shaking up every industry that we can conceive of.

2. European rules will open the door to a host of innovative services that analyse transactions.



open the door: to give someone new opportunities

1.  + for: The success of that film opened new doors for him.

2.  + to: Early results show that the new system would open doors to disadvantaged people.

3. Customers need barely ever interact with their bank.




4. European retail banking has been remarkably unscathed by technology-driven disruption.


1. 技术带来的变革对欧洲零售银行业产生的影响微乎其微。

2. 欧洲零售银行业几乎并没有受到技术变革的影响。

两句一个意思,第二句形式上更吻合原句,但第一句通过化被动为主动,突出了核心信息remarkably unscathed几乎毫发无伤。所以,翻译并没有完美的答案,只能无限接近而已~

另外,disruption真的是时下太过火爆的热词,比较普遍的译法是:颠覆。现在各行各业都在经历巨变,上个月笃师做了一个人力资源相关会议,当中就提到某五百强大公司人力资源部门的发展目标即三年内裁员15%,为何?新技术如AI(Artificial Intelligence人工智能)正在颠覆传统HR(Human Resources人力资源)行业,匹配人选,员工培训,薪酬制定等具体工作都可以借助技术高效完成,从而极大程度减少人员介入,好吧,听讲的都是该公司HR部门的员工,他们会不会有如坐针毡之感??21世纪,没有一劳永逸的铁饭碗,终身学习才是王道鹅~~~

5. Fintech companies are beginning to mount a challenge, most conspicuously in the online-payments industry in northern Europe. But their reach is more limited elsewhere in Europe.



mount a challenge发起挑战,构成威胁,记住这个常见搭配。


Eg.Victory is now out of her reach. /The company has now overtaken IBM in terms ofsize and reach./Such matters are beyond the reach of the law.

6. Regulators, however, are about to transform the landscape.



landscape原意是风景,景色,地貌,此处也是暗喻的用法,衍生为局面,局势。所以哦,衍生意思和原意都有一定联系,大家稍加联想,便不难理解哦。这种用法非常非常普遍,建议内化。Recent electoral shocks have shaken the European political landscape.最近的选举风波震动了欧洲政坛。

7. Banks’ lockhold on payments serves as a handy source of income.



lockhold难住了很多同学,这种用法很少见,大家作为被动词汇即可。lock锁住,hold紧握,加在一起就是牢牢把控的意思,同样需要大家联想体会哦。倒是后面的handy这一形容词值得重视,表示就在手边,方便容易,唾可得,联想它的原形hand好好体会一下。Eg. Always keep a first-aid kit handy.跟前要常备急救箱/handy little tool好用小工具

8. Resistance is manifested as a concern about data protection. Such concerns are legitimate but also, argue fintech supporters, offer a convenient excuse for banks to block competition.



9. Yet for all their complaints, customers still trust banks with their money.


尽管客户怨声载道,但他们依然更信任把钱放在银行。For all表示尽管,虽然,等于despite.

Eg. For all its clarity of style, thebook is not easy to read.


1. become overdrawn

Apps could warn account-holders if they spend more than a predetermined amount or are about to become overdrawn.


2. nudge them to save more

Apps could warnaccount-holders if they spend more than a predetermined amount or are about to become overdrawn,or even nudge them to save more.

吸引他们存更多钱。nudge 本来是“轻推、推进”的意思,我觉得在这里中文表达为”吸引“可能更好。


3. have easy access to

Banks, on the other hand, have easy access to transaction data.



4. kick-start competition

The Payments Services Directive 2 (PSD2), due to be implemented by EU members in January 2018, aims to kick-start competition while making payments more secure.



5. give explicit consent

Provided the customer has given explicit consent, banks will be forced to share customer-account information with licensed financial-servicesproviders.


6. one-click bank transfer

They could become more integrated into the internet-browsing experience—enabling, for example, one-click bank transfers, at least for low-value payments.


7. low-value payments

They could become more integrated into the internet-browsing experience—enabling, for example, one-click bank transfers, at least for low-value payments.


8. tighten up security

Security for payments above €30 ($32) will be tightened up, with customers having to provide two pieces of secret information (“strong authentication”) to wave through a transaction.



9. guide them toward

With access to account data, meanwhile, fintech firms could offer customers budgeting advice, or

guide them towards higher-interest savings accounts or cheaper mortgages.


10. rich data

Those with limited credit histories may find it easier to borrow, too, since richer transaction data should mean more sophisticated credit checks.


11. leave them in a weaker position

In a survey conducted last year by Strategy&, a unitofPwC, a professionalservicesfirm, 68% of responding banks believed that PDS2 would leave them in a weaker position.


12. robust data-protection system

Newcomers will be regulated, after all, and will have to convince the authorities that their data-protection systems are robust.




13. insured against losses from fraud

As they are also required to be insured against losses from fraud, they will need to convince insurers, too.



14. perfect on paper

For his part, Klarna’s Mr Siemiatkowski thinks PSD2 is “perfect on paper”.



15. team up with

Santander’s British arm, for instance, has teamed up with Kabbage.


16. exploit newcomers technology

Familiarity, huge customer bases and low funding costs are all attributes entrants want to gain by association, just as banks want to exploit newcomers’ technology.



Levelling the paying field

Day6 总结反思


我本身是学金融的,无奈对经济社会实在不敏感,学得有些云里雾里。但这一篇Levelling the paying field实在比课本易懂多了,耐着性子读下来迷之有一种自己懂得真多的错觉。

金融科技的发展在中国可谓是后来居上,这和国情和政策太相关了。在西方国家,金融体系本身就是会限制金融科技的发展的,正如文章所说的那样,银行会锁住客户的交易信息,占有客户的交易数据,从而保住庞大的客户群体。Fintech firm始终是作为传统金融服务的一个补充,因此,虽然起步早,发展却不见得有我国的快。再者,它们也没有像我们国家那样肥沃的土壤:西方的人们更加注重安全性,更加信任银行,而不是新兴的金融科技公司。当然,与其说他们是保守,不如说是谨慎,天生有一种溶于血脉的在经济活动中的安全防范意识。

在一个什么都是open的世界上,银行当然不可能永远不受到威胁。就算是新兴的金融科技,也会给它们带来冲击。即使银行想要维持它们占据主导地位的现状,有关部门也会出来搞事的。PSD2的出台对于金融科技公司来说无疑是一个利好消息,但银行就憋闷啦哈哈哈。文章里说到银行担心自己会变成金融体系中的“dump pipe”,读到这里的时候我就想了想咱们国内的五大行,似乎好像貌似有点dump pipe了……小的时候遇到大额支付、给人打钱都需要带银行卡去银行取钱、转账,还有邮政的什么“汇款”,但现在基本上ZFB一秒搞定,好像没银行什么事儿。我自己现在也越来越依赖移动支付,出门不带钱,带脑子和手机就行了。但是,仔细想想的话,在国内,看似银行的业务被第三方抢占了,实际上银行或许在其中参与了某一部分的活动,并从中获取了一定的利益。不然五大行能同意它们在自己眼皮子底下抢自己的饭吃吗?不能呀,这胳膊能粗过大腿吗?在第三方发展起来之后银行才意识到“骚等!这貌似是我的活儿!”然后也开始搞移动支付。在我的了解和理解中,银行移动客户端做的是各种业务,主攻的是投资活动方面的服务;而第三方主攻的是普通民众的支付、社交功能。


说回西方的这个PSD2吧,Mr Siemiatkowski说这事儿不太靠谱,应该是“perfect on paper”,我感觉也是这样。一方面银行有抵触,另一方面公众也不见得特别喜欢寻求Fintech firm的帮助。作为一个年轻的金融形式,它们还有太长的路要走,风险与机遇并存,要想赢得市场,也不是那么容易的事。


关于这回的翻译作业,我的自我感觉还蛮好的……比Topic1 要好一些。首先对文章的整体把握没有topic1那么糟糕,基本上能够理解全文,能够理清文章的主线;其次对于句子的翻译,和笃师的翻译基本上意思不会差太远,也没有看起来很尴尬的“尬翻”,大致算作无功无过,“麻麻嘚啦”;最后,对于短语的理解,大多数都是正确的,只有少数表达得不够准确。我听说一个翻译最终不是被他的外文水平限制了他的发展,而正是他的母语水平让他举步维艰。这话说得简直太对了,我现在老觉得自己词不达意,打字的时候恨不得加上几个表情,至少让我加个颜文字啊,不然我完全没法说人话。




我拿自己的图和笃师的图对比了一下,发现笃师的图囊括的内容更多,思路也更清晰。我的图里,就漏掉了一些内容,比如bank和fintech firm各自对于PSD2的反应。而且我很疑惑为什么我的图看起来文字有些拥挤呢……





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