So ever since last article I realised many of you guys doesn’t really understand Bitcoin, or consider bitcoin as another bursting bubble. I think you guys might just have watched too many rubbish financial articles.
So to help clearing everyone’s mind, I’ll start by answering some of the criticisms on bitcoin before introducing new strategies.
The most initial criticism or Bitcoin is that it has no intrinsic value. And that’s entirely true, but neither does the US Dollar, RMB, or Gold.
Then people start to compare Bitcoin with other large companies. They are so sure that Bitcoin is a bubble if it worths more than GE or Mcdonalds.
一个公司股票的价值 = NPV of 所有未来股息 (NPV of all future dividends),这其实这也意味着股票本身是没有价值的。(我知道这样来比较比特币和股票的价值有点懒,因为股票是有现金/收入流的。)
The price of a stock in a company is the NPV of all futures dividends, and it actually implies that stocks itself has no intrinsic value. Of course I know it’s intellectually lazy to compare valuation of Bitcoin with other companies, because there are no income streams in a currency against a stock which does.
This leads me to believe that most financial KOLs do not fundamentally understand any of the financial assets they write about everyday. Those mischaracterisation of Bitcoin and its value proposition further illustrates their ignorance.
The above weekly graph of BTC/USD would lead you to believe that the Bitcoin is in bubble, which then might burst soon.
And here’s another graph.
这张图是1/比特币兑美元 (1/BTCUSD) 的图片,而看着这张图反而会导致你相信处于泡沫之中的是美元,随后破裂了。
This graph shows the weekly log graph of USD/BTC price since 2012. And on the contrary this chart would lead you to believe that the US Dollar is in bubble, which then burst.
Now you know how the finance KOL keep messing with your mind and leading you to believe in their stupid shit. They make you think that everything not under their control are basically bubble, but they seldom mention the unreasonably high inflation, nor they warn people about risks involved in buying millions of dollars of cage homes and overpriced stocks. CNBC will evilly suggest you to buy Ripple at 2.57USD and sell at 0.71USD.
I never intended to justify that Bitcoin deserves its current market-clearing price against fiat currencies, but I want to warn everyone of you that you should never trust financial KOLs, simply because they have conflict of interest with you. You need an independent and logical mindset to survive in the financial market.