手工慈善Bracelet Making of AISN China
Today's afternoon AISN China hold an activity about bracelet making for charity.Masha taught the participants how to make bracelet and the bracelet we made will be sold,the money we get will use to do charity,but not the ordinary donation,we will get some poor schools or some gerocomiums to do something for help by ourselves.
今天下午AISN China举办了一场手工慈善活动。玛莎教参与者们制作手链,大家制作的手链将被我们拿去卖掉,得到的钱我们将用于慈善,这个慈善并不是传统的捐款,而是我们会把这笔钱用作经费去到一些需要帮助的地方,比如一些贫困的学校和敬老院去做一些我们力所能及的对那里的人有帮助的事情。
At first, Masha、Cristina and our volunteer Luna introduced AISN China and the activities wo hold,then everyone used candies to made self-introduction.
开始Masha、Cristina和我们的志愿者Luna一起向大家介绍了AISN China的情况以及我们举办的一些活动,然后大家用糖果进行了自我介绍。
Then we began to make bracelets,Masha set an example to us like a teacher,today we had two kinds of bracelets,everyone chose the simple one to make at first.
As time passed,the gap became bigger and bigger,girls made good job,and started to challenged the hard one,but the boys can't manage the simple,and did the work again and again.
Everyone made seriously and our photographer Lee said that he just didn't dare to talk loudly for fear that disturbed us.two hours passed quickly,at last everyone made at least one bracelet,and we write our names on them,after the activity,we will sell them on our wechat shop.
每个人都做的很认真,我们的摄影师李说他都不敢大声说话怕打扰到大家,两个小时的制作时间很快过去了,最后每个人都至少做好了一条手链,我们将自己的名字写在了手链上,活动结束后,我们会把这些手链放到我们AISN China的微店中进行售卖。
Lastly we took photos and made free talk,everyone enjoyed the happy afternoon.