“When people say England, they sometimes mean Great Britain, sometimes the United Kingdom, sometimes the British Isles — but never England.”
作者在四十年代写了名为“How to be an Alien”的幽默小册子,(很准确地)描绘了外国人眼里的英国:讨论天气、茶、交通、公务员、阶级,甚至还有性生活——虽然只有一句话“CONTINENTAL people have sex life; the English have hot-water bottles”。当然,在二十年后的update里,作者表示一位英国女性读者对这个过于简短的描述表示了不满:“You are really behind the times. In this field, too, things have changed and — this is the most important — techniques have advanced. We are using electric blankets nowadays.”