

    1901年2月24日是古斯塔夫·马勒一生中不平凡的一天。下午,这位40岁的作曲家和指挥家带领维也纳爱乐乐团首次演出了他的前任总监安东·布鲁克纳的第五交响曲。当晚他在维也纳歌剧院指挥了上演莫扎特魔笛的盛大晚会。一个年轻的名叫阿尔玛·辛德勒的女人座在观众席中,她将在不到一年的时间之内成为马勒的妻子。看完了他的指挥之后,她报告似地对她的同伴说到:“那张脸,那些惨白的皱纹,那像燃烧的煤球一样的眼睛,这个男人不能在这样下去了。” 那天晚些时候,马勒醒来发现自己倒在血泊之中。医生被呼叫过来,一个外科医生发现如果他晚到了半个小时的话,一切就会太迟了。马勒被诊断为上消化道严重出血。






When I’m a child I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, and I thought as a child. But when I became a man, I put away those childish things. ーFirst Corinthians chapter 13 verse 11

February 24 1901 was an eventful day in the life of Gustav Mahler. In the afternoon, the 40 year old composer and conductor led the Vienna philharmonic in their first performance of fifth symphony by his former mentor Anton Bruckner, that evening he conducted a gala performance of Mozart’s The Magic Flute at the Vienna Opera. A young woman named Alma Schindler who would become Mahler’s wife in less than one year later was in the audience. After watching him conduct, she reportedly said to her companions: that face those pale cheeks those eyes like burning coals, this man can’t go on like that. Later that night, Mahler awake to find himself lying in a pool of blood. A doctor was called and then a surgeon who noted that if he’d arrived a half hour later, it would’ve been too late. A severe hemorrhage in Mahler’s upper intestinal tract was diagnosed and the bleeding was eventually stopped. A successful operation was performed a week later but Maher was forced to abandon professional activities for more than a month while convalescing at a Vienna hospital and then at home. Painful symptoms continued required a second operation in June. While the extent to which Mahler’s life was actually in danger has been debated, a remark that he made to his friend clearly indicated that he believed the peril he’d faced was mortal. You know last night I nearly passed away, when I saw the faces of the two doctors I thought my last hour had come. While I was hovering on the border between life and death I wondered whether it wouldn’t be better to be done with it at once, since everyone must come to that in the end. Unsurprisingly Mahler appears to have emerged form this crisis with altered perspectives. His disciple the conductor Bruno Volta noted in him a deepen realism and sobriety. The fact that this brush with mortality and bouts of post-operative depression that followed occurred just as Mahler was entering midlife certainly made him ripe for a reassessment of both his existence and his accomplishments to date.

For generations musicians have turn to the music of Johann Sebastian Bach for enjoyment instruction and consolation and Mahler was no exception. During his recovery he plunged into the great baroque master’s work and emerged refreshed. Marveling at what he called this miraculous freedom which is based on his unparallel skill and technique. In Bach all the cells are united as the world is in God. There’s never been playfully greater than this. This renewed embrace of Bach as composers whose arts represents the highest standard of so called absolute music would not only fundamentally determine much of the content in Mahler’s fifth symphony, the outlook it generated also give rise to the two symphonies that followed. Resulting in a trilogy of purely instrumental, non-programmatic symphonies that formed the core of his second creative period. While all of Maler’s works address basic existential questions. The manner of that address changed over time. The profound issues raised in his first four symphonies are confronted with a largely poetic mystical context. The fanciful atmosphere of Des Knaben Wunderhorn or the youth’s magic horn and an anthology of folk poems and songs that was one of Mahler’s favorite books is pervasive in this tetralogy and the narratives and texts he found in this collection directly inform the substance of this explicitly programmatic works. But the composer’s experiences during the first half of 1901 brought about a decisive shift in his artistic vision. A change he described in a letter to a friend about his plans for his fifth symphony. Neither romantic or mystical elements belong and human voice has absolutely no place in it. It doesn’t need words, for everything is to be expressed in pure music. It would be a proper symphony, each movement independent, complete in itself and linked to the others solely by affinity of mood.

Mahler’s fifth was primarily written during the summer month of 1901 and 1902 in Mayance. A lakeside hamlet in southern Austrian province Carinthia. As a self-described holiday composer, his creative work was usually confined to these summer vacation periods while the more functional aspects of composition such as orchestration and copying took place during the regular concert season when Mahler’s conducting schedule occupied much of his time and left him in a frame of mind that wasn’t conducive to developing new ideas. As a result reestablishing his creative momentum was often a struggle and Mahler wasn’t able to begin composing this symphony in earnest until early July of 1901. Once begun, however, the work proceeded quickly. By the end of that summer he completed the opening funeral march which in its unrelating despair stands in contrast to those in his early symphonies. The vehement stormy second movement that closed the work’s first part and the massive 819 bar scherzo that forms the entirely of the symphony’s second and a brilliant masterpiece of polyphony in which the material is in Mahler’s words, so thoroughly needed that there is not a single grain in it which isn’t blended and transformed. The work’s third and final part was written the following summer and consists of two movements, an adagietto for strings and harp that is thought to be an instrumental love song for Mahler’s new wife Alma, and a Ronda-Finale that is a veritable orgy of joyous Bahian counterpart. Although the symphony’s premier in Cologne in Oct of 1904 was unsuccessful, Mahler remained undeterred. My present creative work is that of an adult, a man of right experience. Although I no longer attain my former heights of enthusiasm, I’m now in full command of my powers and technique.  I feel that I’m master of my means of expression and capable of carrying out anything to which I put my hand.

Transcribed and translated from Boston Symphony Orchestra Channel by Kane 28/3

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