1. PostgreSQL
安装PostgreSQL12 https://www.postgresql.org/download/
PostgreSQL13还不建议用在生产环境 https://yum.postgresql.org/
查看操作系统版本命令(centos7.2) cat /etc/redhat-release
2. 安装PostGIS
PostGIS官网 http://postgis.net/
wiki https://trac.osgeo.org/postgis/wiki
为CentOS7/RHEL7安装EPEL 仓库(repo)
yum -y install epel-release
centos7,PostgreSQL下安装postgis,参照 http://postgis.net/install
yum install postgis30_12.x86_64 postgis30_12-client.x86_64 postgis30_12-debuginfo.x86_64 postgis30_12-devel.x86_64 postgis30_12-docs.x86_64 postgis30_12-gui.x86_64 postgis30_12-utils.x86_64
注:centos7,PostgreSQL下安装postgis,参照 http://postgis.net/install/ 这段话的最后一句,Install PostgreSQL 9.5, PostGIS 2.2, pgRouting 2.1 with Yum
Red Hat / Centos / Scientific Linux
The best place to get the latest binaries for both PostgreSQL and PostGIS is thePostgreSQL Yum repository
Choose the correct “repository RPM” for your distribution, download and install it.
Install PostGIS and dependencies by running yum install postgis2_93. (where 93 refers to minor version of PostgreSQL you installed.
Refer toInstall PostgreSQL 9.5, PostGIS 2.2, pgRouting 2.1 with Yumfor more detailed instructions.