Second U5

Ⅰ.  adapt    英[ə'dæpt]     美[ə'dæpt]

(n)  adaptation  适应;改编;改编本,改写本  (adj) adaptable 适合的;能适应的;可修改的  (adj) adapted

近义词:adjust  alter 


1.  [+ to]  (使)适应,(使)适合

•The children are finding it hard to adapt to the new school. 孩子们觉得很难适应新学校.

adapt yourself/itself  (to sth)

•How do these insects adapt themselves to new environments? 这些昆虫是如何适应新环境的?

2.  [T]to change something to make it suitable for a different purpose改造,改装

adapt sth to do sth

•The car has been adapted to take unleaded gas. 这辆车经改装可以使用无铅汽油。

adapt sth for sb

•These teaching materials can be adapted for older children. 这些教材可以修改一下供大龄孩子使用。

3.[T usually passive,一般用被动态]if a book or play is adapted for film, television etc, it is changed so that it can be made into a film, television programme etc 改编,改写

Ⅱ.    assault    英[ə'sɔːlt; ə'sɒlt]  美[ə'sɔlt]

(n) assaulter  殴打者;攻击者  (agj)  assaulting  突击中的

近义词:attack aggress侵犯、攻击   反义词:defend protect


1. [C,U]the crime of physically attacking someone  侵犯人身(罪),殴击他人身体(罪)

for assault

•He was jailed for assault. 他因人身侵犯而入狱。

[+ on/against]

•sexual assaults on women 对女性的性侵犯

2.[C,U]a military attack to take control of a place controlled by the enemy〔军事上的〕袭击,攻击

[+ on]

•an unsuccessful assault on the enemy lines 对敌军防线失败的攻击

3.[C,U]a strong spoken or written criticism of someone else’s ideas, plans etc抨击

under assault

•Traditional family values are increasingly under assault. 传统的家庭价值观日益受到抨击。


1. literaryif a feeling, sound, smell etc assaults you, it affects you in a way that makes you uncomfortable or upset 使感到难受,困扰

•The noises and smells of the market assaulted her senses. 市场里的噪音和气味刺激着她的感官。

Ⅲ. confined  英[kən'faɪnd]    美[kən'faɪnd]

(n) confine  (n)  confinement  限制;监禁;分娩   (v) confine  

近义词:   narrow  limited  反义词: unconfined 

(adj) confined to sb/sth

to exist in or affect only a particular place or group


•The risk of infection is confined to medical personnel. 只有医务人员有受感染的风险。

2. a confined space or area is one that is very small〔空间或面积〕有限的,狭窄的

•It wasn’t easy to sleep in such a confined space. 这么狭小的空间不好睡。

Ⅳ.    consent  英[kən'sent]    美[kən'sɛnt]

(n) consenter 同意者;批准者  (adj) consentaneous [,kɒnsen'teɪnɪəs]  同意的,一致的

近义词: agree assent 反义词:disagree


1.permission to do something许可,允许

•He took the car without the owner’s consent. 他没有得到车主的许可就把车开走了。


1. [+ to]

•Her father reluctantly consented to the marriage. 她父亲勉强答应了这桩婚事。

consent to do sth

•He rarely consents to do interviews. 他很少会答应接受采访。

Ⅵ.  contend  英[kən'tend]   美[kən'tɛnd]

(n) contender 竞争者;争夺者  (adj)  contending  争先的

近义词: compete assert 断言  


1. [I]to compete against someone in order to gain something 竞争;争夺

•Inevitably, fights break out between the members of contending groups. 争权夺利的几个团体之间不可避免地发生了打斗。

[+ for]

•Three armed groups are contending for power. 三个武装集团在争夺权力。

2. [T]to argue or state that something is true  声称,断言,主张

contend (that)

•Some astronomers contend that the universe may be younger than previously thought. 有些天文学家声称宇宙可能比原先认为的要年轻。


contend with sth

to have to deal with something difficult or unpleasant


•The rescue team alsohadbad weather conditionsto contend with. 营救小组还得应付恶劣的天气

Ⅶ.integrity  英[ɪn'tegrɪtɪ]   美[ɪn'tɛɡrəti]

(v) integrate  使…完整;使…成整体 (adj) integrative  综合的

近义词: unity completeness 完成,完整 反义词:deceit [dɪ'sit] 欺骗;谎言;欺诈手段


1. the quality of being honest and strong about what you believe to be right 耿直,正直诚实

personal/professional/political  integrity

•a man of great moral integrity 道德高尚、正直诚实的人

2.formalthe state of being united as one complete thing完整,完全

•the territorial integrity of the country 国家的领土完整

Ⅷ. migrant  英['maɪgr(ə)nt]    美['maɪɡrənt]

(n) migrator 移居者

近义词: immigrant


1.someone who goes to live in another area or country, especially in order to find work〔尤指为了寻找工作而迁移的〕移民,移居者

migrant worker/labourer

•A lot of factory work is done by migrant workers. 许多工厂的工作都是流动工人干的。

economic migrant(=someone who goes to live in another country because they are likely to find a better job there)经济移民

2.a bird or animal that travels regularly from one part of the world to another候鸟;迁徙动物



Ⅸ. resurgence  英[rɪ'sɜːdʒ(ə)ns]   美[rɪ'sɝdʒəns]

(v)  resurge 复活;再起 (adj)  resurgent 复活的;复苏的

近义词:rivival 复兴  resurrection 复活  revitalization新生


1.he reappearance and growth of something that was common in the past复苏;再次出现,再起

[+ of]

•There has been aresurgence of interestin religion over the last ten years. 最近10年以来宗教热情重燃。

[+ in]

•a resurgence in the popularity of 60s music 20世纪60年代音乐的再次流行

Ⅹ.  fish


1. (be/feel) like a fish out of water

to feel uncomfortable because you feel you do not belong in a place or situation


•I felt like a fish out of water in my new school. 我在新学校里感到很不适应,就像鱼儿离开了水。


1.[I always + adv/prep]informalto search for something in a bag, pocket etc 摸找

[+ about/around]

•She fished around in her purse and pulled out a photo. 她在包里翻找,掏出一张照片。

[+ for]

•Chris fished in his pocket for a coin. 克里斯在口袋里摸找硬币。

Ⅺ.  spell


1.  spell trouble/disaster/danger  招致[带来]麻烦/灾难/危险等

•The lack of rain could spell disaster for farmers. 缺少雨水会给农民带来灾难。

2. [T]to do someone else’s work for them for a short period so that they can rest暂时代替〔某人工作,以便让他休息〕

•I can spell you if you get tired. 如果你累了,我可以替你一会儿。


1.a piece of magic that someone does, or the special words or ceremonies used in doing it魔法;符咒,咒语

•The kiss of the princebrokethespell(=stopped the magic from working) . 王子的吻解除了魔咒。

put/cast a spell on sb(=do a piece of magic to change someone)对某人施魔法

be under a spell

•The whole town seemed to be under a spell. 整个小镇都像中了魔法似的。

2. a period of a particular kind of activity, weather, illness etc, usually a short period〔某种活动、天气、疾病等的〕一段时间〔通常时间较短〕

•He began to suffer from dizzy spells. 他开始一阵阵头晕。

brief/short spell

•After a brief spell in the army, I returned to teaching. 我在部队里待了一阵子,又回来教书了。

[+ of]

•a spell of bad luck 一段倒霉的日子

cold/wet/dry spell

•Water the young plants carefully during dry spells. 干燥无雨的时候要细心地给幼苗浇水。

3. a power that attracts, interests, and influences you very strongly吸引力,魅力;迷惑力

•an ancient city that stillcastsitsspell overtravellers 对旅游者依然具有魔力的一座古城

fall/come/be under a spell

•I fell under the spell of her charm. 我被她的魅力迷倒了。

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