A UIBlurEffect object applies a blurring effect to the content layered behind a UIVisualEffectView
+ (UIBlurEffect *)effectWithStyle:(UIBlurEffectStyle)style;
A UIBlurEffect object applies a blurring effect to the content layered behind a UIVisualEffectView. Views added to the contentView of a UIVisualEffectView are not affected by the blur effect.
Creates a blurring effect in the view. The area of the view is darker in hue than the underlying view. 深色调
Creates a blurring effect in the view. The area of the view is the same approximate hue of the underlying view. 大致接近
Creates a blurring effect in the view. The area of the view is lighter in hue than the underlying view. 轻色调
+ (UIVibrancyEffect *)effectForBlurEffect:(UIBlurEffect *)blurEffect;
A UIVibrancyEffect object amplifies and adjusts the color of the content layered behind a UIVisualEffectView object, allowing the content placed inside of the contentView to become more vivid. A vibrancy effect is intended to be used as a subview of or layered on top of a UIVisualEffectView that has been configured with a UIBlurEffect.
Always draw the image as a template image, ignoring its color information.将图像作为模板图像,忽视它的颜色信息
infomationRect.size.height = breifLabel.frame.origin.y + briefHeight;
bgView.frame = infomationRect;