why there are lots of extraordinary performance?——resort to the effective practice
which type of practice is effective?——deliberate practice
【part I】
作者先通过Steve的例子:经过四学期机械的训练,对数字记忆并未有所改善,明确大脑对短期记忆有严格限制对长期记忆没有。后来通过作者对其有目的的训练其数字记忆能力显著提高,purposeful practice can ususfully transfer short-term memory into long-term.刻意练习可以打破大脑的限制,引起读者对刻意有目的练习的兴趣
在通过4个卓越人物的成功事例说明这些并非偶然,the prodigy arise from principle of the effective practice,practice a lot.在通过六个成功人士进一步论证,引出deliberate practice。
【part II】什么是有效的练习?
作者通过日常学习网球来说明,当我们学习一项新技术,从不会经过认真有效学习,技术达到我们满意的程度譬如可以正常娱乐,和大家水平差不多的时候,我们之后的重复式的再次练习都不在是有效的,因为缺乏可以训练。就像打了20年乒乓球的人也不一定是世界冠军,只是20年原水准的机械重复,所以有效的练习是大量的,刻意的练习,有目的练习,you know where you want to go and which is your ultimate goal。
全文看完,最受触动的是机械重复,和目的训练,感觉自己打脸了。自己学习、工作当步入自己满意的安逸区,日复一日机械重复,自己还被每天满满的to do list 充实着,不能完全否定行为的有用性,但可以肯定这样投入回报比不高。想到10年,20年后的自己,一名日复一日安于现状,机械重复看病的医生还是不断磨砺自己,接触科学前沿,钻研积累有所造诣的医生。。。有限的时间,高效率的行为,大量目的练习,赶脚很合适实用性超强的医学僧。。。which is my ultimate goal。
1.definitive interpretation
2.vantage point of
3.capture ones attention
4.delved into ...
例句: After reading the book of PEAK ,I delved into the information of Ray Allen,the ten All-star of NBA.There is no doubt that he is the greatest three-point shooter.whether the graceful of movement or the accuracy of shooting captured my attention deeply.However ,the most astounding part is the how much efforts he had made .From the vantage point of his career,his success is a definitive interpretation of necessity of deliberate practice.