吃,吃,吃,停不下嘴,这是一种病吗?让我们来看看该月13号发表在《Psychology Today》上的这篇文章,说不定会对您有所启发和帮助。
A new study finds shared roots with other addictions.一项新的研究发现食物上瘾与其他成瘾有共同的根源。
Posted August 13, 2022 | Reviewed by Kaja Perina
2022年 8 月 13 日发布 |由 Kaja Perina 审核
What Is Addiction? 什么是成瘾?
Find counselling to overcome addiction寻找戒瘾咨询师
Food addiction is a controversial topic.食物成瘾是一个有争议的话题。
A new study finds food addiction, but not obesity, to be associated with a parental history of alcohol use and personal substance use.一项新的研究发现食物成瘾与父母的饮酒史和个人物质使用史有关,但与肥胖无关。
Food addiction may be an addictive disorder, sharing roots with other substance use disorders, and it is something distinct from obesity. 食物成瘾跟肥胖不一样,它可能跟其他物质使用障碍一样是一种成瘾性疾病,他们有共同的根源。
The food addiction concept–defined as “substance-based addiction to highly-palatable foods containing unnaturally high concentrations of refined carbohydrates and fat”–is a highly controversial one in the medical and mental health fields.食物成瘾,即“对含有超出正常浓度的精制碳水化合物和脂肪的口感非常好的物质成瘾”——在医学和心理健康领域是一个极具争议的概念。
Many hold that it is not a valid disorder. When the fifth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-V) was developed in 2013, the committee considered adding food addiction as an official diagnosis but ultimately decided not to, despite fact that there is strong evidence in animal models that overeating behavior is rooted in brain chemistry, and, in humans, that many people eat in addictive ways. 许多人认为它不是疾病。2013 年制定第五版精神疾病诊断和统计手册 (DSM-V) 时,委员会考虑将食物成瘾作为官方诊断,但最终放弃了。尽管动物行为模式强烈证明暴饮暴食起源于脑部化学物质,而且许多人也进食成瘾。
Here are some reasons people give for their skepticism followed by counter arguments from food addiction proponents:以下是食物成瘾支持者和反对者分别给出的理由:
1.Food is different from drugs and alcohol; we need it to survive and you can’t quit food like you can drugs and alcohol..食物不同于药物和酒精;我们需要它来生存,你不能像戒毒和戒酒一样戒掉食物。
Counter argument: Some foods, namely sugary and processed foods, have different biochemical effects from and more powerfully activate brain reward circuitry compared to other foods; we don’t need sugary and processed food to survive.反驳论点:一些含糖和加工食品,与其他食物相比,具有不同的生化效应,并且更有效地激活脑部奖励回路;我们不需要含糖和加工食品来生存。
2.An over-active hedonic drive is not the primary cause of overweight or obesity; metabolism, hormones, low levels of physical activity and medications are the primary drivers.2. 新陈代谢、荷尔蒙、运动过少和药物而不是强烈的享受食物造成了超重或肥胖。
Counter argument: Not all people who are overweight have food addiction. In fact, many people with food addiction are normal weight. Although food addiction can cause overweight and obesity–people with food addiction tend to have higher weights–it is a distinct entity. Only about 15-25% of individuals with obesity meet food addiction criteria. 反驳论点:并非所有超重的人都对食物成瘾。事实上,很多食物成瘾的人都体重正常。虽然食物成瘾会导致超重和肥胖,一般而言食物成瘾的人往往体重更高,但食物成瘾和肥胖是两个不同的概念。只有大约15-25% 的肥胖者符合食物成瘾标准。
3. [endif]A food addiction label doesn’t help anyone and might hurt. Equating food with drugs stigmatizes people who are overweight and it does not inform treatment, since we don’t yet know what works.3. 对任何人贴食物成瘾标签不仅没法帮助他,而且可能会对铜造成伤害。将食物与药物等同起来是对超重者的污名化,并且也不能为治疗提供信息,因为我们还不知道什么对治疗是有效的。
Counter argument: Without a label, it’s hard to find treatments. How are researchers going to ask for grant funding for something that doesn’t officially exist?反驳论点:没有标签,就很难找到治疗方法。研究人员将如何为未通过官方认可的事情申请赠款?
The controversy hasn’t stopped some researchers from continuing to study the construct. For example, an active research group at Yale has developed a self-report scale for food addiction based on the DSM-V criteria for substance use disorder, and has demonstrated its validity. This scale—called the Yale Food Addiction Scale (YFAS)—can now be used to identify people who eat addictively. 争议并没有阻止一些研究人员继续研究这种结构。例如,耶鲁大学的一个生机勃勃的研究小组根据DSM-V 物质使用障碍标准开发了一种食物成瘾自我报告量表,并证明了它的有效性。这个称为耶鲁食品成瘾量表(YFAS) 的量表现在可用于识别饮食上瘾的人。
The study:研究:
The same group that developed the YFAS also recently published results from a simple yet elegant study to further test if the food addiction construct is valid.
开发YFAS 的同一小组最近还发布了一项简练的研究结果,以进一步测试食物成瘾框架是否有效。
People with overweight and obesity were surveyed and asked about food addiction symptoms, substance use (alcohol use, smoking, and vaping, cannabis), and parental history of problematic alcohol use.超重和肥胖的人被进行了以下调查:食物成瘾症状、物质使用(酒精使用、吸烟和吸电子烟、大麻)以及父母酗酒史。
In their sample of 357 adults, 24.1 percent met criteria for food addiction on the YFAS, and the mean age was 41.在357 名成年人样本中,平均年龄为41 岁的24.1% 的人符合 YFAS 的食物成瘾标准。
They found that the participants who used alcohol problematically and who smoked, and vaped, had a more than two-fold higher risk of also having food addiction. These associations were still significant after correcting for age, sex assigned at birth, and socioeconomic status. The co-occurrence of food and substance use was unlikely to be caused by substances themselves, since smoking and alcohol differ in their impact on satiety and hunger: alcohol increases appetite and reduces impulse control, whereas nicotine is an appetite suppressant.Cannabis use was also associated with food addiction, but the effects were weaker and may have been driven by demographic factors.研究发现,在饮酒、吸烟和吸电子烟方面有问题的被试有食物成瘾的风险比没这些问题的人高出两倍多。在扣除了年龄、出生时的性别比例和社会经济地位这些因素之后后,这种相关性还是很高。滥用食物和物质的这种共同特点不太可能是由物质本身引起的,因为吸烟和喝酒对饱腹感和饥饿感的影响不同:酒精会增加食欲并降低冲动控制,而尼古丁是一种食欲抑制剂。大麻的使用也与食物成瘾有关,但它的影响较弱,可能是因为人口因素在起作用。
People with a parental history of problematic alcohol use also had a two-fold higher risk of food addiction. These associations were still significant after correcting for demographics as well.父母有酗酒问题的人也有两倍高的食物成瘾风险。在校正人口统计数据后,这些相关仍然很高。
By contrast, obesity was not associated with personal problematic substance use or a parental history of problematic alcohol use.相比之下,肥胖与个人物质滥用或父母酗酒史无关。
The researchers also remarked that there was a stronger link between parental alcohol history and food addiction than there was between parental alcohol history and alcohol problems. They attributed this to the fact that people are exposed to rewarding foods early in development, giving them more of a chance to develop an addictive relationship with food than with alcohol, exposure to which occurs much later, and in a more limited fashion.
That food addiction but not obesity was linked to problematic substance use and parental history of alcohol problems lends support to theories that food addiction is an addictive disorder, sharing roots with other substance use disorders, and highlights the fact that it is something distinct from obesity.食物成瘾而不是肥胖与物质滥用和父母的酗酒史有关,这为食物成瘾是一种成瘾性疾病的理论提供了支持,因为它与其他物质滥用有共同的根源,并强调了它食物成瘾与肥胖是两个不同的事实。
Findings have important treatment and prevention implications. 研究结果具有重要的治疗和预防意义
1.If parental history of alcohol use is a risk factor for food addiction and weight problems, prevention efforts could be targeted to these individuals.1.如果父母饮酒史是食物成瘾和体重问题的风险因素,则可以针对这些人进行预防工作。
2.People being treated for other addictions should also be counseled about addictive eating and vice versa, since “addiction transfer” can occur, where after one substance is stopped addiction to another takes its place. 因其他成瘾而接受治疗的人也应接受有关饮食成瘾的咨询,反之亦然,因为可能会发生“成瘾转移”,在一种物质停止后,对另一种物质的成瘾就会发生。
3. As we develop treatments for food addiction, we should target traits that are common to all addictions—like impulsivity, reward dysfunction, and emotion dysregulation—and their underlying biology. Treatments that work for other addictions—certain medications, and psychotherapies—can be “repurposed” and tested for food addiction. Treatment studies are sorely needed, because we still know so little about what treatments work best for food addiction, and for whom.3.当我们研究食物成瘾的治疗方法时,我们应该针对所有成瘾的共同特征,如冲动、奖励功能障碍和情绪失调以及这些特征表现下潜在的生物学特点来进行。我们可以“重新利用”对其他成瘾有效的某些药物和心理疗法治疗方法来测试食物成瘾。我们非常需要各种研究,因为我们仍然对哪些治疗方法对食物成瘾最有效以及对那些人有效知之甚少。
Wilcox, C.E. (2021). Food Addiction, Obesity, and Disorders of Overeating: An Evidence-Based Assessment and Clinical Guide. Springer.
Hoover, L.V., You, H.P., Cummings, J.R., Ferguson, S.G. & Gearhardt, A.N. (2022). Co-Occurrence of Food Addiction, Obesity, Problematic Substance Use, and Parental History of Problematic Alcohol Use. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors.Hoover, L.V., You, H.P., Cummings, J.R., Ferguson, S.G. & Gearhardt, A.N. (2022 年)。食物成瘾、肥胖、有物质滥用和有酗酒的父母史的共同发生。成瘾行为心理学。
About the Author作者简介
Claire Wilcox, M.D., is a general and addiction psychiatrist in private practice, an associate professor of translational neuroscience at the Mind Research Network, and an adjunct associate professor at the University of New Mexico.
克莱尔·威尔科克斯 (Claire Wilcox),医学博士,是私人执业的普通和成瘾精神病学家,心灵研究网络的转化神经科学副教授,新墨西哥大学的兼职副教授。