各类英语考试 高频单词的
Merriam-Webster'sAdvanced Learner's Dictionary
persistent / pəˈsɪstənt /
ADJ Something that is persistent continues to exist or happen for a long time; usedespecially about bad or undesirable states or situations. (坏的或令人不悦的状态或情形) 持续存在的
Her position as national leader has beenweakened by persistent fears of another coup attempt.
His cough grew more persistent until itnever stopped.
ADJ Someone who is persistent continues trying to do something, even though it isdifficult or other people are against it.坚持不懈的; 执著的
...a persistent critic of the president.
wizardry /ˈwızɚdri/
Merriam-Webster's Advanced Learner's
Dictionary 《韦氏高阶词典》的释义:
noun [ noncount ]
1 :the magical things done by a wizard : sorcery魔法
The Lord of the Rings is a story of monsters, heroes, and wizardry.
2 :something that is very impressive in a way that seems magical魔力
the wizardry of modern technology
She demonstrated her wizardry [=great skill] on the tennis court.
原句:I have taken a test and that hascome out positive.
Mark老师之前跟大家讲过,因为现在英语讲究简明(简明英语Plain English运动是原因),写作时要多用小词和小词的短语,come这个小词的用法就非常灵活,如果你查字典的话,会发现come这个词有太多释义和用法,所以日常遇到come就要多留心,注意积累,这里come out就是一个很常见的短语,意思也很丰富,用法很灵活,快Mark起来吧🐴
come out
Merriam-Webster's Advanced Learner's
Dictionary 《韦氏高阶词典》的释义:
[ phrasal verb ]
1 :to become available : to begin to be produced or sold出厂,在售,出版,上映
Anew magazine is coming out next week.
The book/movie comes out next month.
2 a: to become obvious : to be clearly shown显现
His pride came out in his refusal to accept help. [=his refusal toaccept help showed his pride]
2 b: to become known为人所知
The truth finally came out. [=people finally learned the truth]
Itcame out that he had known about these problems all along, but he hadn't saidanything.
3 :to say something openly公开发言
Why don't you just come out and say what you really think?
4 :to say publicly that you support or oppose someone or something公开支持或反对
She came out in favor of the proposal.
Some of his former supporters have come out against him.
5 :to say openly that you are a homosexual出柜
Many gay entertainers have been reluctant to come out.
Last year she came out (as a lesbian) to her parents. [=she told herparents that she is a lesbian]
6 a: to appear after being hidden重现
The rain stopped and the sun/moon/stars came out as the clouds clearedaway.
:to appear in the open
animals that only come out at night
6 bof a flower : to open : to blossom盛开
inthe spring, when the flowers are beginning to come out (in bloom)
7 a: to end or finish in a specified way(以……方式)完结/结束
How did the game come out? [=turn out] [=who won the game?]
Everything came out [=ended up, turned out] all right.
She expects to come out ahead in the end.
He's confident that he'll come out a winner.
He's confident that he'll come out on top [=that he'll win] when all thevotes have been counted.
7 bof a photograph : to produce a good picture照片成像
Those pictures I took at the game yesterday didn't come out.
7 c
—used to describe the quality that something has when it is finished最终结果是……
The picture came out blurry.
Thebrownies came out a little too dry.
8 :to be said, expressed, or understood in a particular way(以……方式)为人所表达出来/为人所知,是
That's not what I meant to say. It didn't come out right.
Hewas trying to make a joke, but it came out wrong.