Day 1-2
1. wpmen in business 商界女性
2. at length 详细地
3.a clip of 一段(视频,讲话等)
4. cut to the chase 开门见山
5. butter sb up 巴结,奉承,套近乎
6. half way down 一半
7. rattle 'on (about sth) (informal)
to talk continuously about sth that is not important or interesting, especially in an annoying way
8. scorching wit and sense 超群的智慧和理解力
Day 3-4
1. On various occasions she has persuaded me to do things for her, just as she has enlisted thousands of others.
Enlist: to persuade someone to help you to do sth:谋求(某人的帮助)
Enlist sb’s help/service(常见词组,建议内化成积极储备)
They hoped to enlist the help of the public in solving the crime.他们希望寻求公众协助破案。
2. Why would I give up a Saturday on the basis of watching a clip of a similar conference a year earlier?
I wish you would be quiet for a minute.我希望你会安静一会儿。
3. There is no danger of ever laying it on too thick. There is no level at which flattery stops working, according to a study by Jennifer Chatman of the University of California, Berkeley.
用力夸奖永远错不了。加州伯克利大学Jennifer Chatman的一项研究显示,任何类型的美言都能起到效果。
Lay on:原来意思是涂抹(颜料等),其实是呼应前段butter it up: butter大家都知道是黄油的意思,用作动词是涂黄油,衍伸为甜言蜜语,讨好奉承。此处用lay on则是呼应黄油涂再厚也不嫌多。如果童鞋们一时之间体会不到,也不用着急,联系上下文总能推断出来,这不,下一句作者就进一步解释了:什么级别的好话都不会不奏效=黄油涂再厚也不为过。
4. In addition to being flattering, the perfect please has to make you feel not only wanted, but also needed. I read the email and said yes at once. I knew how manipulative it was, but I could not help myself.
除了恭维以外,请求的最佳方式是让人觉得自己不可或缺,而不仅仅是被邀请而已。我读完邮件后立刻同意了。尽管我很清楚自己被忽悠了,但还是难以拒绝。want只是想要,但不是必须,不是没有他就不能活了: I want to go to the moon.
need是必需,通常说是必需品,生活中少不了他: I need to eat.
5. And rather than ask if I had enjoyed it, it would have been better to attest how much they had enjoyed having me.
6. If only you would join our panel on xxx. We have a lot of clever but worthy people talking, and we need your genius to liven it up. Please say yes.
整个句子堪称经典。首先,If only you would语气相当礼貌客气。其次,用your genius夸奖对方能力。再次,突出we need即让对方感觉自己不可或缺,提升对方的自我存在感。
最后,Please say yes. 真切恳请。简直无人能拒啊~
If only you would这样的表达方式相当值得一学,基本上属于客气的最高级别:如果您能…就太好了。很多时候会看到if打头的句子,如If you could please follow me. /If you could please open the box for me.用于比较正式的场合,是一种礼貌用语。比Please follow me要客气舒缓的许多。
7. Thank you for bringing the evening to life and for your scorching wit and sense. You are our own Tina Fey.
您的才思敏捷让整晚活动熠熠生辉,衷心感谢!您就是我们的Tina Fey.
1. go on at length 详细地介绍 长篇大论
2. cut to the chase 开门见山 getting to the point without wasting time
3. butter people up to flatter(口语)恭维,奉承She liked to butter up every new boss she had.
4. singularly ungratifying 让人很不满意,完全不能让人满意
5. get sb to do sth/make sb do sth 使某人做某事
6. run into sb 偶遇某人
7. incline to do sth 趋向于做某事
8. too vague to be convincing 太模糊所以不够让人信服
9. be done with doing sth 结束了做某事 完成...事
10. rattle on 对······喋喋不休,唠叨不停
11. fail to do its job 失败 没能实现预期目的
Day 5
任务A. 根据原文精神,写一封邮件,邀请你敬仰的老师或领导前来担任某活动嘉宾(具体内容可根据大家日常生活工作内容自行补充)。
Subject line: If only you would...(知道童鞋想借鉴原文主题,但原文里面邮件只有一句话,正文直接接下去就是:join our panel.....,可能两人之前有过联系,所以邮件就没那么正式了。纵观你写的这篇,和教授都一年没见了,还是要正式一点,建议主题具体化: Invitation to join xxx)
Dear Mr. Duncan,
I hope this email finds you well. It is(语法错误,is 和been永远不可能同时出现,此处应为has) been a while since we last met in Beijing where you gave such a wonderful course of lectures to our students during the summer vacation. (wonderful course of lectures用词上略显啰嗦,内容上又不够具体,建议改成:where you delivered a superb course of American literature to....)
I just (此处just显得太随意,建议删去)want to thank you again for the lectures on American literature (前面提到了American lecture此处就可省略啦)you gave last year; our students had enjoyed it a lot (a lot也是太口语化太随意,可以改成thoroughly) and they all felt so excited about the fresh and wider perspectives you had offered.(看得出来此处童鞋是想很具体的夸奖教授,技能已get,相当不错哦!~~但是语言上可以进一步提升:they all found the experience highly rewarding as the perspectives you offered were completely enlightening and thought-provoking.)
(可以把this year提前到开头,这样有一种承前启后的感觉)We are planning to set up another summer camp on American culture for our students. This year (提前)we are going to do a “retro+vintage” one. That is, we are going to focus more of our attentions (啰嗦,直接focus more on就可以)on American literature before the Millennium. If only you would join our team this year; it is going to be such an impressive journey for us being together. We have already got a number of clever and promising kids on board, and we need your genius to liven it up. Please say yes. (哈哈,最后这里借鉴的很不错哟!)
整体点评: 原文精华基本get。夸奖的很具体,经典句型掌握的也很不错。但是,语法还有语域还是要注意一下,毕竟给教授写邮件,语气句式还是要正式一点,显得尊敬。
Day 6
1. Marianne:玛丽安娜(法语:Marianne),是法兰西共和国的国家象征。就其外延意义而言,她还是自由与理性的拟人表现。与代表法兰西民族及其历史、国土与文化的“高卢雄鸡”相对,玛丽安娜代表了作为一个政治意义上的国家(state)的法国以及她的价值观念。
2. 高卢雄鸡:(法语:Le Coq gaulois),是法国的拟物化形象。高卢雄鸡来源于古罗马帝国时代,法国被称为高卢(Gallia),高卢人叫Gallus,而Gallus在拉丁语另一意思是雄鸡,所以被称为高卢雄鸡。
3. psychologically violent:心理暴力。心理暴力指的是不断重复地采用语言或其他诡计,致使对方生活品质降低,造成对方精神或心理状况发生不良改变,这其中也包括不断重复的侮辱性手机短信。伴侣的粗鲁抨击、讽刺挖苦、无理指责、暴力威胁等都划归至心理暴力范畴。心理暴力是许多现代家庭都会遇到的一个棘手问题,法国议会通过一项法律把心理暴力定义为刑事犯罪,法国由此成为世界上首个认定夫妻或同居者之间的“心理暴力”为刑事犯罪行为的国家。
4. 主权财富基金:(英语:Sovereign wealth fund,简称SWF),通称主权基金,指由一些主权国家政府所建立并拥有,用于长期投资的金融资产或基金,主要来源于国家财政盈余、外汇储备、自然资源出口盈余等,一般由专门的政府投资机构管理[1]。目前世界上主权财富基金规模最大的几个国家,是阿拉伯联合酋长国、挪威、沙特阿拉伯王国、中华人民共和国、科威特、俄罗斯和新加坡等。
5. come up:被提及;被讨论 If something comes up in a conversation or meeting, it is mentioned or discussed.
The subject came up during a pre-dinner drink with our guests.
6. stall (on / over sth) : to try to avoid doing sth or answering a question so that you have more time故意拖延(以赢得时间):
They are still stalling on the deal.
7. To get somebody's goat : an expression you can use when something annoys you.
It seems to me quite a lot of things get your goat, Feifei.
8. echo (to / with sth) | ~ sth (back) : to send back and repeat a sound; to be full of a sound
The whole house echoed. 整个房子充满回声。
The street echoed with the cries of children. 街上回荡着孩子的哭声。
The valley echoed back his voice. 山谷里回荡着他的声音。
9. With her mention of giving lessons, Le Pen was possibly echoing François Mitterrand’s reproach of Valéry Giscard d’Estaing—“I’m not your student,” he said, in a debate in 1981—and definitely taking a shot at the romantic life of Macron and his wife, Brigitte Trogneux.
弗朗索瓦·密特朗(François Mitterrand,1916年10月26日-1996年1月8日, 法国政治家,曾任法国总统和法国社会党第一书记。总统任期:1981-1995
瓦勒里·季斯卡·德斯坦(Valéry Giscard d'Estaing),法国政治家,前任法国总统。因为主持起草《欧盟宪法条约》,又被誉为欧盟宪法之父。总统任期:1974-1981
reproach: 【u】责备,批评
10. Jesuit /'dʒezjuit/
a member of the Society of Jesus, a Roman Catholic religious group (天主教)耶稣会会士:
a Jesuit priest 耶稣会神父
Jesus /'dʒiːzəs/
N-PROPER 专有名词耶稣;耶稣基督
Catholic :(罗马)天主教的;可数名词 天主教信徒
形容词,(罗马)天主教的 The Catholic Church is the branch of the Christian Church that accepts the Pope(罗马教皇) as its leader and is based in the Vatican(梵蒂冈) in Rome.
11. make of 看待
12. picture verb
[VN] [VN -ing]
[V wh-]
I tried to picture what it would be like to live alone.
2. 描述;描写
3.显示在照片上;用图片显示:[VN][VN -ing]
13. Paris Match 《巴黎竞赛》周刊
14. hell 地狱
15. all the more 更加
Loveliness and goodness can make the actual ugliness of our existence all the more vivid.
16. The France far-right National Front Party has expelled its founder Jean-Marie Le Pen.
极右派法国国民阵线党(National Front Party)驱逐了其创始人让-玛丽·勒庞(Jean-Marie Le Pen)。【原因:racism and anti-semitism 种族主义和反犹太主义】
Holocaust 犹太人大屠杀
17. Radio France 法国国际广播电视台
18. die down 逐渐平息
19. by virtue of 凭借,由于,因为
20. back up:支持,证实(某种说法)
21. correspond:
~ (to / with sth) to be the same as or match sth
• 相一致;符合
~ (to sth) to be similar to or the same as sth else
• 类似于;相当于
22. ultra-conservative:极端保守的
23. surrogacy
不可数名词 代孕
24. 同志用语
(1)G --- Gay是指有男同性倾向的人士,也就是俗称的男同性恋者,也是大家最熟悉的。
(2)L -- Lesbian 是指有女同性倾向的人士,也就是俗称的女同性恋者,也是大家不陌生的。大家常音译作“拉拉“
(3)B - Bi-sexual是指双性恋者 这里的Bi 前缀表示两个的
(4)T - Transextual是指变性者 这里的Trans前缀表示跨越的意思