安装 Intel Compiler (ifort & icc & icpc)


Step 4
下载网址Free Tools for Students

  1. 在下载目录下解压
    heqin@heqin-dell:~/Downloads$ tar zxvf parallel_studio_xe_2017_update7.tgz
  2. 进入解压后的文件夹
    heqin@heqin-dell:~/Downloads$ cd parallel_studio_xe_2017_update7/
  3. 为了记录过程而不用截图,我选择用命令行安装,当然你也可以用install_GUI.sh
    heqin@heqin-dell:~/Downloads/parallel_studio_xe_2017_update7$ ./install.sh

Please make your selection by entering an option.
Root access is recommended for evaluation.

  1. Run as a root for system wide access for all users [default]
  2. Run using sudo privileges and password for system wide access for all users
  3. Run as current user to limit access to user level
    Please make your selection by entering an option.

h. Help
q. Quit

Please type a selection [1]: 1

heqin@heqin-dell:~$ sudo passwd
[sudo] password for heqin:
Enter new UNIX password:
Retype new UNIX password:
passwd: password updated successfully

Step 1 of 7 | Welcome

Welcome to the Intel(R) Parallel Studio XE 2017 Update 7 for Linux* setup progra

You will complete the steps below during setup process:
Step 1 : Welcome
Step 2 : License agreement
Step 3 : License activation
Step 4 : Intel® Software Improvement Program Data Collection
Step 5 : Options
Step 6 : Installation
Step 7 : Complete

Press "Enter" key to continue or "q" to quit:

Step 2 of 7 | License agreement

Type "accept" to continue or "decline" to go back to the previous menu: accept

Step 3 of 7 | License activation

If you have purchased this product and have the serial number and a connection
to the internet you can choose to activate the product at this time.
Alternatively, you can choose to evaluate the product or defer activation by
choosing the evaluate option. Evaluation software will time out in about one
month. You can also use license file or Intel(R) Software License Manager.

  1. I want to activate my product using a serial number [default]
  2. I want to activate by using a license file, or by using Intel(R) Software
    License Manager

h. Help
b. Back to the previous menu
q. Quit

Please type a selection or press "Enter" to accept default choice [1]: 1
Please type your serial number (the format is XXXX-XXXXXXXX): 2T5V-J5DWVDRH

Checking serial number...

Activation completed successfully.

Press "Enter" key to continue:

Step 4 of 7 | Intel® Software Improvement Program Data Collection

Intel® Software automatically collects technical information about the program
runtime status (such as counters, flags, and timestamps) and development
environment (such as operating system, CPU architecture, and other Intel
products installed) ("Information").
- No personally identifiable information is collected. The Information
collected will be used to better understand how customers use Intel® Software
and how to improve our software in the future.
- If you choose to opt in, the data will be sent to Intel and be retained
indefinitely. If you choose to opt out, the Information will NOT be sent to
Intel and will be automatically deleted.
- You will not receive additional emails from Intel if you choose to opt in
to the program.
- You can stop participating at any time by choosing "Improvement Program
Options" in "Settings" Tab of the Intel® Software Manager and selecting "OPT
OUT" option.

Learn more about the Intel® Software Improvement Program

  1. I would like to OPT IN and participate to improve Intel® Software
  2. I would like to OPT OUT and not participate

b. Back to the previous menu
q. Quit

Please type a selection: 2

Step 5 of 7 | Options > Configure Cluster Installation

This product can be installed on cluster nodes.

  1. Finish configuring installation target [default]

  2. Installation target [ Current system only ]

h. Help
b. Back to the previous menu
q. Quit

Please type a selection or press "Enter" to accept default choice [1]: 1

Step 5 of 7 | Options > Pre-install Summary

Install location:

Component(s) selected:
Intel(R) Trace Analyzer and Collector 2017 Update 4 583MB
Intel(R) Trace Analyzer for Intel(R) 64 Architecture
Intel(R) Trace Collector for Intel(R) 64 Architecture
Intel(R) Trace Collector for Intel(R) Many Integrated Core Architecture

Intel(R) Cluster Checker 2017 Update 2                                 179MB
    Cluster Checker common files                                            
    Cluster Checker Analyzer                                                
    Cluster Checker Collector                                               

Intel(R) VTune(TM) Amplifier XE 2017 Update 6                          1.2GB
    Command line interface                                                  
    Sampling Driver kit                                                     
    Graphical user interface                                                

Intel(R) Inspector 2017 Update 4                                       362MB
    Command line interface                                                  
    Graphical user interface                                                

Intel(R) Advisor 2017 Update 5                                         716MB
    Command line interface                                                  
    Graphical user interface                                                

Intel(R) C++ Compiler 17.0 Update 7                                    578MB
    Intel C++ Compiler                                                      

Intel(R) Fortran Compiler 17.0 Update 7                                595MB
    Intel Fortran Compiler                                                  

Intel(R) Math Kernel Library 2017 Update 4 for C/C++                   3.2GB
    Intel MKL core libraries for C/C++                                      
    Intel(R) Xeon Phi(TM) coprocessor support for C/C++                     
    Cluster support for C/C++                                               
    Intel TBB threading support                                             
    GNU* C/C++ compiler support                                             

Intel(R) Math Kernel Library 2017 Update 4 for Fortran                 3.2GB
    Intel MKL core libraries for Fortran                                    
    Intel(R) Xeon Phi(TM) coprocessor support for Fortran                   
    Cluster support for Fortran                                             
    GNU* Fortran compiler support                                           
    Fortran 95 interfaces for BLAS and LAPACK                               

Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives 2017 Update 3               2.7GB
    Intel IPP single-threaded libraries: General package                    

Intel(R) Threading Building Blocks 2017 Update 8                       100MB
    Intel TBB                                                               

Intel(R) Data Analytics Acceleration Library 2017 Update 4             3.4GB
    Intel(R) Data Analytics Acceleration Library 2017 Update 4              

Intel(R) MPI Library 2017 Update 4                                     1.0GB
    Intel MPI Benchmarks 2017 Update 3                                      
    Intel MPI Library for applications running on Intel(R) 64 Architecture  
    Intel MPI Library for applications running on Intel(R) Many Integrated  

Core Architecture

Intel(R) Debugger for Heterogeneous Compute 2017                       597MB
    GNU* GDB 7.6 and ELFDWARF library                                       

GNU* GDB 7.10                                                           95MB
    GNU* GDB 7.10 on Intel(R) 64                                            

Intel(R) Debugger for Intel(R) MIC Architecture 2017 Update 7          135MB
    GNU* GDB 7.8                                                            
    GDB Eclipse* Integration                                                

Install space required: 14.4GB

Driver parameters:
Sampling driver install type: Driver will be built
Load drivers: yes
Reload automatically at reboot: yes
Per-user collection mode: no
Drivers will be accessible to everyone on this system. To restrict access,
select Customize Installation > Change advanced options > Drivers are ac
cessible to
and set group access.

Installation target:
Install on the current system only

  1. Start installation Now [default]
  2. Customize installation

h. Help
b. Back to the previous menu
q. Quit

Please type a selection or press "Enter" to accept default choice [1]: 2

Step 5 of 7 | Options > Architecture selection

Select the architecture(s) where your applications will run. If unsure, accept
the default options below or see
ing-installation for more information.

Target Architecture(s) of your applications:

  1. [x] IA-32

  2. [x] Intel(R) 64

  3. Finish architecture selection [default]

Note: This system is an Intel(R) 64 architecture system.
Your application may be built to run on either IA-32 or Intel(R) 64

b. Back to the previous menu
q. Quit

Please type a selection or press "Enter" to accept default choice [3]: 1
Step 5 of 7 | Options > Architecture selection

Select the architecture(s) where your applications will run. If unsure, accept
the default options below or see
ing-installation for more information.

Target Architecture(s) of your applications:

  1. [ ] IA-32

  2. [x] Intel(R) 64

  3. Finish architecture selection [default]

Note: This system is an Intel(R) 64 architecture system.
Your application may be built to run on either IA-32 or Intel(R) 64

b. Back to the previous menu
q. Quit

Please type a selection or press "Enter" to accept default choice [3]: 3

Step 5 of 7 | Options

You are now ready to begin installation. You can use all default installation
settings by simply choosing the "Start installation Now" option or you can
customize these settings by selecting any of the change options given below
first. You can view a summary of the settings by selecting "Show pre-install

  1. Start installation Now [default]

  2. Change install directory [ /opt/intel ]

  3. Change components to install [ Custom ]

  4. Change advanced options

  5. Show pre-install summary

h. Help
b. Back to the previous menu
q. Quit

Please type a selection or press "Enter" to accept default choice [1]: 5

Step 5 of 7 | Options > Pre-install Summary

Install location:

Component(s) selected:
Intel(R) Trace Analyzer and Collector 2017 Update 4 583MB
Intel(R) Trace Analyzer for Intel(R) 64 Architecture
Intel(R) Trace Collector for Intel(R) 64 Architecture
Intel(R) Trace Collector for Intel(R) Many Integrated Core Architecture

Intel(R) Cluster Checker 2017 Update 2                                 179MB
    Cluster Checker common files                                            
    Cluster Checker Analyzer                                                
    Cluster Checker Collector                                               

Intel(R) VTune(TM) Amplifier XE 2017 Update 6                          1.2GB
    Command line interface                                                  
    Sampling Driver kit                                                     
    Graphical user interface                                                

Intel(R) Inspector 2017 Update 4                                       362MB
    Command line interface                                                  
    Graphical user interface                                                

Intel(R) Advisor 2017 Update 5                                         716MB
    Command line interface                                                  
    Graphical user interface                                                

Intel(R) C++ Compiler 17.0 Update 7                                    477MB
    Intel C++ Compiler                                                      

Intel(R) Fortran Compiler 17.0 Update 7                                476MB
    Intel Fortran Compiler                                                  

Intel(R) Math Kernel Library 2017 Update 4 for C/C++                   2.4GB
    Intel MKL core libraries for C/C++                                      
    Intel(R) Xeon Phi(TM) coprocessor support for C/C++                     
    Cluster support for C/C++                                               
    Intel TBB threading support                                             
    GNU* C/C++ compiler support                                             

Intel(R) Math Kernel Library 2017 Update 4 for Fortran                 2.4GB
    Intel MKL core libraries for Fortran                                    
    Intel(R) Xeon Phi(TM) coprocessor support for Fortran                   
    Cluster support for Fortran                                             
    GNU* Fortran compiler support                                           
    Fortran 95 interfaces for BLAS and LAPACK                               

Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives 2017 Update 3               1.8GB
    Intel IPP single-threaded libraries: General package                    

Intel(R) Threading Building Blocks 2017 Update 8                       100MB
    Intel TBB                                                               

Intel(R) Data Analytics Acceleration Library 2017 Update 4             2.2GB
    Intel(R) Data Analytics Acceleration Library 2017 Update 4              

Intel(R) MPI Library 2017 Update 4                                     1.0GB
    Intel MPI Benchmarks 2017 Update 3                                      
    Intel MPI Library for applications running on Intel(R) 64 Architecture  
    Intel MPI Library for applications running on Intel(R) Many Integrated  

Core Architecture

Intel(R) Debugger for Heterogeneous Compute 2017                       597MB
    GNU* GDB 7.6 and ELFDWARF library                                       

GNU* GDB 7.10                                                           95MB
    GNU* GDB 7.10 on Intel(R) 64                                            

Intel(R) Debugger for Intel(R) MIC Architecture 2017 Update 7          135MB
    GNU* GDB 7.8                                                            
    GDB Eclipse* Integration                                                

Install space required: 11.5GB

Driver parameters:
Sampling driver install type: Driver will be built
Load drivers: yes
Reload automatically at reboot: yes
Per-user collection mode: no
Drivers will be accessible to everyone on this system. To restrict access,
select Customize Installation > Change advanced options > Drivers are ac
cessible to
and set group access.

Installation target:
Install on the current system only

Press "Enter" key to continue:

Step 5 of 7 | Options

You are now ready to begin installation. You can use all default installation
settings by simply choosing the "Start installation Now" option or you can
customize these settings by selecting any of the change options given below
first. You can view a summary of the settings by selecting "Show pre-install

  1. Start installation Now [default]

  2. Change install directory [ /opt/intel ]

  3. Change components to install [ Custom ]

  4. Change advanced options

  5. Show pre-install summary

h. Help
b. Back to the previous menu
q. Quit

Please type a selection or press "Enter" to accept default choice [1]: 1

Step 6 of 7 | Installation

Each component will be installed individually. If you cancel the installation,
some components might remain on your system. This installation may take several
minutes, depending on your system and the options you selected.

Step 7 of 7 | Complete

Thank you for installing Intel(R) Parallel Studio XE 2017 Update 7
Cluster Edition for Linux*.

If you have not done so already, please register your product with Intel
Registration Center to create your support account and take full advantage of
your product purchase.

Your support account gives you access to free product updates and upgrades
as well as Priority Customer support at the Online Service Center

Click here https://software.intel.com/en-us/python-distribution
to download Intel(R) Distribution for Python*
This download will initiate separately. You can proceed with the installation
screen instructions.

Press "Enter" key to quit: heqin@heqin-dell:~/Downloads/parallel_studio_xe_2017_update7$

heqin@heqin-dell:~cd /opt/intel/compilers_and_libraries/linux/bin heqin@heqin-dell:/opt/intel/compilers_and_libraries/linux/bin ls
compilervars.csh compilervars.sh ia32 intel64
heqin@heqin-dell:/opt/intel/compilers_and_libraries/linux/binsource ./compilervars.sh intel64 heqin@heqin-dell:/opt/intel/compilers_and_libraries/linux/bin which ifort

heqin@heqin-dell:~$ gedit ~/.bashrc

added by HeQin for Intel Compiler

source /opt/intel/compilers_and_libraries_2017/linux/bin/compilervars.sh intel64
heqin@heqin-dell:~$ icc
Centos6.7下安装Intel 的icc / ifort 编译器(非商业版)



Step 5 of 7 | Prerequisites > Missing Optional Prerequisite(s)

There are one or more optional unresolved issues. It is highly recommended to
resolve them all before you continue. You can fix them without exiting the setup
program and re-check. Or you can exit the setup program, fix them and run the
setup program again.

Missing optional prerequisites
-- 32-bit libraries not found

  1. Skip missing optional prerequisites [default]
  2. Show the detailed info about issue(s)
  3. Re-check the prerequisites

h. Help
b. Back to the previous menu
q. Quit

Please type a selection or press "Enter" to accept default choice [1]: 2

Step 5 of 7 | Prerequisites > Missing Optional Prerequisite

32-bit libraries not found on this system.
This product release requires the presence of 32-bit compatibility libraries
when running on Intel(R) 64 architecture systems. One or more of these libraries
could not be found:
libstdc++ (including libstdc++6)
Without these libraries, the compiler will not function properly. Please refer
to Release Notes for more information.

  1. Finish with prerequisites and continue [default]
  2. Back to Prerequisite summary dialog

h. Help
b. Back to the previous menu
q. Quit

Please type a selection or press "Enter" to accept default choice [1]: 2

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