2019-03-21-Administration from Drilling on Federal Land


Administration from Drilling on Federal Land

By ERIN CORBETT March 20, 2019

原文 译文(机译+略改)
A federal judge has ruled the Interior Department failed to consider the environmental impact of oil and gas leasing in the Western U.S. states in violation of U.S. law, the Washington Post reports. 据《华盛顿邮报》报道,一名联邦法官裁定,美国内政部没有考虑美国西部各州石油和天然气租赁对环境的影响,这违反了美国法律。
The Tuesday decision by Judge Rudolph Contreras for the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia is the first to challenge the Trump administration’s plans to boost fossil fuel production.
In his decision, Contreras said the Interior Department’s Bureau of Land Management “did not sufficiently consider climate change” when it decided to auction off federal land in Wyoming that would be used for gas and oil drilling. 周二,美国哥伦比亚特区地方法院法官鲁道夫•孔特雷拉斯(Rudolph Contreras)作出裁定,这是首次对特朗普政府计划增加化石燃料生产提出的挑战。
The ruling will at least temporarily protect 300,000 acres of Wyoming land from drilling. Contacted by Fortune, a spokesperson for Interior declined to say whether the Trump administration will appeal the decision. 这项裁决将至少暂时保护怀俄明州30万英亩的土地不受钻探。《财富》杂志联系了内政部发言人,但其拒绝透露特朗普政府是否会对这一决定提出上诉。
The case was filed in August 2016 by two advocacy groups, WildEarth Guardians and Physicians for Social Responsibility, during Barack Obama’s presidency. In response, the Obama administration ordered a three-year moratorium on new oil and gas leases on federal property to consider their effects on climate. 2016年8月,在巴拉克•奥巴马(Barack Obama)担任总统期间,两个倡导团体——wilguardians和Physicians for Social Responsibility——提起了诉讼。作为回应,奥巴马政府下令暂停在联邦土地上租赁新的石油和天然气,为期三年,以考虑它们对气候的影响。
Soon after taking office in January 2017, President Trump rescinded Obama’s moratorium and Clean Power Plan in a sweeping executive order intended to increase domestic oil and gas production. To that end, Trump’s made other changes, such as approving the Keystone XL Pipeline and completion of the Dakota Access Pipeline. 2017年1月就职后不久,特朗普总统撤销了奥巴马的延期和清洁能源计划,发布了一项旨在增加国内石油和天然气产量的全面行政命令。为此,特朗普做出了其他改变,比如批准Keystone XL输油管道和达科塔输油管道的竣工。
Recent reports suggest the president also plans to open federal waters to oil and gas drilling, including off the East Coast in the Atlantic Ocean, Reuters reports. 据路透社报道,最近的报道显示,总统还计划向包括大西洋东海岸外的石油和天然气钻探开放联邦水域。
When Fortune asked about the Trump administration’s oil-drilling plans, Joe Balash, assistant secretary for land and minerals management at Interior, said in a statement: “President Trump has given clear direction that he wants to safely secure additional domestic energy from public lands on behalf of the American people… that will result in more jobs and economic growth, make America safer, benefit state and local conservation programs, and improve infrastructure.” 当《财富》杂志问及特朗普政府的石油开采计划时,内政部负责土地和矿产管理的助理部长乔·巴拉什在一份声明中说:“特朗普总统已经明确指示,他希望代表美国人民安全地从公共土地上获取更多的国内能源……这将导致更多的就业和经济增长,使美国更安全,使州和地方保护计划受益,并改善基础设施。”
  • administration
    ① (N-UNCOUNT) 管理;经营;行政事务 Administration is the range of activities connected with organizing and supervising the way that an organization or institution functions.
    ② (N-UNCOUNT) 实施;执行;监管 The administration of something is the process of organizing and supervising it.
    ③ (N-SING) (公司或机构的)管理部门,行政部门 The administration of a company or institution is the group of people who organize and supervise it.
    ④ (N-COUNT) (尤指美国)政府 You can refer to a country's government as the administration; used especially in the United States.
  • drill
    ① (N-COUNT) 钻头;钻床;电钻 A drill is a tool or machine that you use for making holes.
    ② (VERB) 钻(孔);打(眼) When you drill into something or drill a hole in something, you make a hole in it using a drill.
    ③ (VERB) 钻探(石油或水源) When people drill for oil or water, they search for it by drilling deep holes in the ground or in the bottom of the sea.
    ④ (N-COUNT) (学生的)反复练习 A drill is a way that teachers teach their students something by making them repeat it many times.
    ⑤ (VERB) 教…做练习;反复训练 If you drill people, you teach them to do something by making them repeat it many times.
    ⑥ (N-VAR) (尤指士兵进行的)练习,训练,操练 A drill is repeated training for a group of people, especially soldiers, so that they can do something quickly and efficiently.
  • lease
    ① (N-COUNT) 租约;租契;出租协议 A lease is a legal agreement by which the owner of a building, a piece of land, or something such as a car allows someone else to use it for a period of time in return for money.
    ② (VERB) 租借;租用;出租 If you lease property or something such as a car from someone or if they lease it to you, they allow you to use it in return for regular payments of money.
    ③ (PHRASE) (较昔日更加)焕发生机;重振雄风 If you say that someone or something has been given a new lease of life, you are emphasizing that they are much more lively or successful than they have been in the past.
  • violation
    ① (VERB) 违反,违背,违犯(协议、法律或承诺) If someone violates an agreement, law, or promise, they break it.
    ② (VERB) 侵犯(隐私);搅扰;打搅 If you violate someone's privacy or peace, you disturb it.
    ③ (VERB) 污损;亵渎 If someone violates a special place, for example a grave, they damage it or treat it with disrespect.
  • temporarily
    (adv)暂时地; 临时地;
  • protect
    ① (VERB) 保护;防护 To protect someone or something means to prevent them from being harmed or damaged.
    ② (VERB) (保险单)为…提供保险 If an insurance policy protects you against an event such as death, injury, fire, or theft, the insurance company will give you or your family money if that event happens.
  • acre
    (N-COUNT) 英亩(等于4,840平方码或4,047平方米) An acre is an area of land measuring 4840 square yards or 4047 square metres.
  • contact
    ① (N-UNCOUNT) (尤指经常性的)联系,联络 Contact involves meeting or communicating with someone, especially regularly.
    ② (PHRASE) 保持联系;有联系 If you are in contact with someone, you regularly meet them or communicate with them.
    ③ (VERB) 联系;联络 If you contact someone, you telephone them, write to them, or go to see them in order to tell or ask them something.
    ④ (ADJ) (信息、电话号码等)供联系的,供联络的 Your contact details or number are information such as a telephone number where you can be contacted.
    ⑤ (N-UNCOUNT) 接触;遇见 If you come into contact with someone or something, you meet that person or thing in the course of your work or other activities.
    ⑥ (PHR-RECIP) 与…联络;和…取得联系 If you make contact with someone, you find out where they are and talk or write to them.
    ⑦ (PHR-RECIP) 与…失去联系;与…断了联系 If you lose contact with someone who you have been friendly with, you no longer see them, speak to them, or write to them.
    ⑧ (N-UNCOUNT) 触碰;接触 When people or things are in contact, they are touching each other.
    ⑨ (N-UNCOUNT) (无线电)联络,通信 Radio contact is communication by means of radio.
    ⑩ (N-COUNT) 熟人;有用的社会关系 A contact is someone you know in an organization or profession who helps you or gives you information.
  • decline
    ① (VERB) 下降;减少;衰退;衰落 If something declines, it becomes less in quantity, importance, or strength.
    ② (VERB) 婉拒;谢绝 If you decline something or decline to do something, you politely refuse to accept it or do it.
    ③ (N-VAR) 下降;减少;衰退;衰落 If there is a decline in something, it becomes less in quantity, importance, or quality.
    ④ (PHRASE) 逐渐势微;正在衰退 If something is in decline or on the decline, it is gradually decreasing in importance, quality, or power.
    ⑤ (PHRASE) 走下坡路;开始衰退 If something goes or falls into decline, it begins to gradually decrease in importance, quality, or power.
  • appeal
    ① (VERB) 呼吁;恳请;恳求 If you appeal to someone to do something, you make a serious and urgent request to them.
    ② (N-COUNT) 呼吁;恳请;恳求 An appeal is a serious and urgent request.
    ③ (N-COUNT) (为慈善或正义事业的)募捐 An appeal is an attempt to raise money for a charity or for a good cause.
    ④ (VERB) 上诉;申诉 If you appeal to someone in authority against a decision, you formally ask them to change it. In British English, you appeal against something. In American English, you appeal something.
    ⑤ (N-VAR) 上诉;申诉 An appeal is a formal request for a decision to be changed.
    ⑥ (VERB) 对…有吸引力;使感兴趣 If something appeals to you, you find it attractive or interesting.
    ⑦ (N-UNCOUNT) 吸引力;感染力 The appeal of something is a quality that it has which people find attractive or interesting.
  • advocacy
    ① (N-SING) 拥护;提倡;主张 Someone's advocacy of a particular action or plan is their act of recommending it publicly.
    ② (N-UNCOUNT) 辩护;辩护术 Advocacy is the way in which lawyers deal with cases in court.
    ③ (N-UNCOUNT) (试图影响政府或其他权力机构决策的)游说(团体或组织) An advocacy group or organization is one that tries to influence the decisions of a government or other authority.
  • presidency
    (N-COUNT) 总统职位;总裁职位;主席职位 The presidency of a country or organization is the position of being the president or the period of time during which someone is president.
  • moratorium
    (N-COUNT) (行动或活动的)暂停,中止 A moratorium on a particular activity or process is the stopping of it for a fixed period of time, usually as a result of an official agreement.
  • property
    ① (N-UNCOUNT) 财产;资产;所有物 Someone's property is all the things that belong to them or something that belongs to them.
    ② (N-VAR) 房地产 A property is a building and the land belonging to it.
    ③ (N-COUNT) 特性;性质;性能;属性 The properties of a substance or object are the ways in which it behaves in particular conditions.
  • rescind
    (VERB) 废除;废止;撤销;停止 If a government or a group of people in power rescind a law or agreement, they officially withdraw it and state that it is no longer valid.
  • sweeping
    ① (ADJ) (弯曲)大幅度的,延伸的 A sweeping curve is a long wide curve.
    ② (ADJ-GRADED) (陈述、总结)一概而论的,笼统的 If someone makes a sweeping statement or generalization, they make a statement which applies to all things of a particular kind, although they have not considered all the relevant facts carefully.
    ③ (ADJ-GRADED) (变化)巨大的,重要的,有广泛影响的,深远的 Sweeping changes are large and very important or significant.
  • domestic
    ① (ADJ) 国内的;本国的 Domestic political activities, events, and situations happen or exist within one particular country.
    ② (ADJ) 家务的 Domestic duties and activities are concerned with the running of a home and family.
    ③ (ADJ) 家用的 Domestic items and services are intended to be used in people's homes rather than in factories or offices.
  • to that end,
  • approve
    ① (VERB) 赞成;同意 If you approve of an action, event, or suggestion, you like it or are pleased about it.
    ② (VERB) 赞许;嘉许;喜欢 If you approve of someone or something, you like and admire them.
    ③ (VERB) 批准;认可;通过 If someone in a position of authority approves a plan or idea, they formally agree to it and say that it can happen.
    ④ (VERB) 批准;核准 If a product or person is approved by an official organization, they are declared to be of a good enough standard to be used or employed.
  • completion
    (n)完成,结束; 实现; [数]求全法; 期满;
  • assistant
    ① (ADJ) (用于头衔或职务前,表示级别略低)助理的,副的 Assistant is used in front of titles or jobs to indicate a slightly lower rank. For example, an assistant director is one rank lower than a director in an organization.
    ② (N-COUNT) 助手;助理;副手 Someone's assistant is a person who helps them in their work.
    ③ (N-COUNT) 店员;售货员 An assistant is a person who works in a shop selling things to customers.
  • statement
    ① (N-COUNT) (正式或明确的口头或书面)陈述,声明 A statement is something that you say or write which gives information in a formal or definite way.
    ② (N-COUNT) (为某一场合特别发表的)官方声明,正式声明 A statement is an official or formal announcement that is issued on a particular occasion.
    ③ (N-COUNT) (嫌疑人或证人向警方提供的)陈述,证词 You can refer to the official account of events which a suspect or a witness gives to the police as a statement .
    ④ (N-COUNT) (意见或观点的)表现,表达 If you describe an action or thing as a statement, you mean that it clearly expresses a particular opinion or idea that you have.
    ⑤ (N-COUNT) 财务报表;结算单 A printed document showing how much money has been paid into and taken out of a bank or building society account is called a statement .
  • behalf
    ① (PHRASE) 代表(亦使用 in someone's behalf,主要用于美国英语中) If you do something on someone's behalf, you do it for that person as their representative. The form in someone's behalf is also used, mainly in American English.
    ② (PHRASE) 为(某人);替(某人) If you feel, for example, embarrassed or angry on someone's behalf, you feel embarrassed or angry for them.
  • on behalf of
    为了…的利益; 代表…
  • conservation
    ① (N-UNCOUNT) (对环境的)保护 Conservation is saving and protecting the environment.
    ② (N-UNCOUNT) (对文物或艺术品的) 保护 Conservation is saving and protecting historical objects or works of art such as paintings, sculptures, or buildings.
    ③ (N-UNCOUNT) 节约;防止浪费 The conservation of a supply of something is the careful use of it so that it lasts for a long time.
  • infrastructure
    (N-VAR) (国家、社会、组织赖以行使职能的)基础建设,基础设施 The infrastructure of a country, society, or organization consists of the basic facilities such as transport, communications, power supplies, and buildings, which enable it to function.
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