· 英译中
NASA is going to pretend a deadly asteroid is on its way, to practise for a real one. The “tabletop exercise” will allow the space agency and the other government organizations that will be tasked with responding to such an event to simulate their response, ahead of the possibility of a real example.
The scenario will see a very realistic but nonetheless fictional disaster, in which an asteroid will be headed for Earth. The scenario has been developed by one of the NASA organisations tasked with studying such near-earth objects, or NEOs.
It will bring together not just NASA but other international organisations to test out their response. Such exercises are used across the disaster response sector to ensure that the real responses are as fast and effective as possible.
“These exercises have really helped us in the planetary defense community to understand what our colleagues on the disaster management side need to know,” said Lindley Johnson, NASA’s Planetary Defense Officer. “This exercise will help us develop more effective communications with each other and with our governments.”
NASA and other organisations have spent more than 20 years scanning the skies for NEOs, looking for asteroids and comets that come within 30 million miles of Earth s orbit. Groups such as NASA s Planetary Defense Coordination Office (PDCO) as well as the European Space Agency s Space Situational Awareness-NEO Segment and the International Asteroid Warning Network (IAWN) have been working to better communicate the danger that such objects pose to Earth.
美国航空航天局的行星防御官林德利·约翰逊(Lindley Johnson)说:“这些演习确实增进了行星防御部门对灾难管理部门必备知识的了解。此次演习也提高了我们两个部门之间、我们和其他政府部门沟通的有效性。”
NASA和其他组织花费20多年在天空中搜索近地天体,寻找距离地球轨道3000万英里内的小行星和彗星。NASA的行星防御协调办公室(PDCO)、欧洲航天局的空间态势感知计划中的近天体部分(Space SituationalAwareness-NEOSegment)和国际小行星预警网络(IAWN)一直在努力更好地传达这些天体对地球带来的危险。