Stuart and I are putting dating profiles online. 我跟Stuart要填征友网站的资料
Can we please stop talking about this? 我们可以不谈这话题了吗
I wish there was something I could do to make you feel better. 真希望我能做些什么 让你好过一点
Of course, where am I to argue with a check-plus student? 当然 我怎么能质疑学生呢
Is makeup really necessary? 真的有必要化妆吗
That one's in the bank. 刚才那张不算
I think that works in your favor. 这对你有利
You're being too hard on yourself. 你对自己太严苛了
What's going on with you? 你到底怎么了
I'm not proud of it, but it does work. 这招挺贱 但超级管用
What is going on with you? 你到底是怎么回事
I'm not buying it. 我不信这套
You're trying to get back at me. 你是在报复我
Not interested. 没兴趣