本图表由 赵景钰 负责翻译
备注:图中 SDNN 是指 standard deviation of all normal N–N intervals; RMSSD 是指 square root of the mean of the sum of the squared differences between adjacent normal R–R intervals
背景:摄入咖啡因可改善运动表现,但会损害睡眠质量。我们旨在分析咖啡因摄入量对训练有素的跑步者800米跑步表现,睡眠质量(SQ)和夜间心脏自主神经活动(CAA)的影响。方法:15名男性中长跑运动员参加了研究(年龄23.7±8.2岁)。随机对照研究中,运动员在晚上进行800 m的计时赛测试前一小时,摄入了安慰剂(PL)或咖啡因补充剂(CAF; 6 mg∙kg-1)。在夜间,使用和睡眠问卷和活动记录检查对睡眠质量和夜间心脏自主神经活动进行评估。第一次测试24小时后,进行第二次800-m的测试。每次跑步测试,分析时间,心率,主观疲劳感和血液中的乳酸浓度。结果:两种条件下,咖啡因和跑步成绩均无显著差异。然而,咖啡因损害了睡眠效率(p = 0.003),实际唤醒时间(p = 0.001)和觉醒次数(p = 0.005),这是通过活动记录所得的。同样问卷调查结果显示,咖啡因损害了睡眠质量SQ(p = 0.005),睡眠安逸程度(p = 0.005),入睡难易程度(p = 0.003)和醒后感觉清爽程度(p = 0.006)。结论:补充咖啡因(6 mg∙kg−1)不能改善800米的跑步成绩,还会损害训练有经验跑者的睡眠质量。
Background: Caffeine ingestion improves athletic performance but impairs sleep quality. We aimed to analyze the effect of caffeine intake on 800-m running performance, sleep quality (SQ), and nocturnal cardiac autonomic activity (CAA) in trained runners. Methods: Fifteen male middle-distance runners participated in the study (aged 23.7 ± 8.2 years). In a randomized and comparative crossover study design, the athletes ingested a placebo (PL) or caffeine supplement (CAF; 6 mg∙kg−1) one hour before an 800-m running time-trial test in the evening. During the night, CAA and SQ were assessed using actigraphy and a sleep questionnaire. A second 800-m running test was performed 24 h after the first. Time, heart rate, rating of perceived exertion, and blood lactate concentration were analyzed for each running test. Results: No significant differences in CAA and performance variables were found between the two conditions. However, CAF impaired sleep efficiency (p = 0.003), actual wake time (p = 0.001), and the number of awakenings (p = 0.005), as measured by actigraphy. Also, CAF impaired the questionnaire variables of SQ (p = 0.005), calm sleep (p = 0.005), ease of falling asleep (p = 0.003), and feeling refreshed after waking (p = 0.006). Conclusion: The supplementation with caffeine (6 mg∙kg−1) did not improve the 800-m running performance, but did impair the SQ of trained runners.
本图表由 Adam Virgile 进行制作,中文翻译为 运侠 团队, 翻译获得 Adam 同意。图表遵循创作共享 4.0 (Creative Commons)协议,协议详情请访问:https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/deed.zh你可以访问 https://adamvirgile.com/ 获得更多英文图表内容