Attended Students: 9
Attendance Record:Beatrice (14) John (14) Riley (10) Jordane (9) Joel (11) Joseph (11) Galen(8) Isabel (1) Annie (1)
Unattended students: 1 Eliot (10)
James (sing songs ) Hilder (Catechism ) George (Bible Story)
Rashel: Game Cici: (Coordinator) Peter(Assistant)
Classroom: The classroom on the third Floor near the lift (Tianyi Cathedral )
Time: 10:30~11:30AM
The content of the class
1: Beginning prayer( We prayed Our Father、Hail Mary、Glory to be)
Beatrice led us to pray a special prayer today.
2: Sing songs 《He's Got The Whole World In His Hands 》
3:Catechism( The Fruit of Holy Spirit)
The fruit of Holy Spirit is love and kindness. We should be kind to everyone.
4: Bible story ( The Parable of the Good Samaritan)
The kind Samaritan helped and took good care of the victim who stripped and beat by robbers.
5: Game (Make the Picture of Body of Jesus )
We have two new students Isabel and Annie today. We let the kids know each other by game. The kids scratched the picture to see the beautiful color of body of Jesus.
6.Closing Prayer